Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No Pointing Allowed!

Has it really been a whole two months since I've posted up some guitar porn? Well it's about time someone's published a bit of six string sexiness, especially after Howesy's lame attempt. Pathetic.
So, from the vaults of Istvanski's armoury, let us commence with;

The Bluegrass / Acoustic / Antique section

From left to right, we have a Fender Banjo, Vox semi-acoustic bass, Washburn Augusta, and a Hofner President. The banjo has already been used by Howesy in the studio and to good effect. I swapped my Hondo Les Paul copy for the Vox bass and it has been used on a Scorseses song (I forgot which song exactly, I was too busy trying to prevent Brad from "pumping lead" into the guitarist at the tense recording session). The Washburn electro acoustic plays like a dream, was made in China and is a good all round studio acoustic which can be heard all over "Russian Brides" (still available on Depcast No 2, folks!). As for the Hofner President, ahh, the Ister heirloom. My dad bought this in 1957 / 58 - I still have the receipt somewhere (written out in pounds, shillings and pence). This one plays like a dog, the neck needs to be re-set and there's no truss rod to adjust any bowing. Apart from his saxaphone, the Hofner is the only thing left of my dad's that I own and therefore it has priceless sentimental value to me. It smells old. Shall we move on? Let's bring things up to date, shall we?

The Ibanez Triplets

Basically three identical Ibanez SZ720s with different pickup configurations. The one on the left is loaded with Steve Stevens (good choice of name...) Bare Knuckle pickups, the centre one has an Ibanez Flying Finger pickup by the neck (which I "found" somewhere - it turned up in the end, Stac...shall we call it payment for services rendered?) and it has a Bare Knuckle Warpig pickup by the bridge. Loud bastard. The guitar on the right has stock Duncan Designed pickups which were factory fitted. These are good, sturdy guitars with bridges to die for, really comfortable to rest your sweaty palms on. Please excuse the fuzzy photo above, I don't know what happened there...*hic*! Now, where was I? Oh yes, put up the barricades, it's time for...

The Metal Militia!

Let's Rawk, Mofos! Legs akimbo, power chords, Marshall stacks, skinny necks, Saxon at The Shepherds Bush Empire tonight...(see Howesy for the review). These axes are just what the rock'n'roll doctor prescribed. On the left is a (15 year old?) Jackson King V Dave Mustaine signature "jobby" - all though it's far from shit. Loaded with Seymour Duncan Jeff Becks and a really nice ebony finger board. The Kahler fine tune bridge tends to suck a lot of the tone out but check out those LSR tuners on the headstock - nifty! Fiddly when changing strings, mind. Next to it is a Jackson Soloist with the same pickups as the V but with a Floyd Rose licensed vibrato, essential for those screeching dive bombs and pinch harmonic pull-ups. It has a gorgeous natural figured maple top which can make you descend into a dream-like state if you look too deep into it. Moving on to the Peavey V-Type which is a strat-a-like guitar with a fancy reverse headstock. I guess I bought this to replace my Palm Bay which I sold to Stu who, in turn recently sold it to someone else on eBay. Nice guitar, plays well, sustains long enough so that you can go for a bite. Finally, a limited edition BC Rich Draco gothic flying V. Only 100 of these exist, and it looks as goofy as hell. This was a bit of an impulse buy and when it comes to rock guitars, there is none more metal (or Goth?). All these guitars have neck-through-body construction and are loud fuckers. Right then, shall we haul ourselves from the Belly of the Beast? Moving on to the...

Odds'n'Sods section

The Rickenbacker bass guitar. A vision of pure lovliness with its hourglass curves and trebly overtones. It's comfy to wear and that neck will turn you into an habitual Boston strangler - it's that addictive to play. Bought brand new at a reasonable price from Peter Cook's Guitar World ("what a fahkin' cunt!" - where's Dud?) in Hanwell, west London. Lemmy uses these, 'nuff said. Next up is an Aria Supertwin (6 & 12 string neck through) which I bought from Stu for two hundred nuggets including case. Heavy as forced buggery to wear, but the twelve string comes in handy as does the various switching options. Used for a Byrds type tone on the intro to "Blow It Outcha Ass". Next to that is a re-issue Washburn A20 (all the way from Indonesia) and christened "Barnesy". We all know about Barnesy, don't we? And now for the finale...

The Contemporary Classics section

Colourful bunch, aren't they? Welcome to known model cheapo heaven! On the left is an Epiphone Zakk Wylde Les Paul Custom with passive EMG pickups and a very silky maple neck / fingerboard (a particular favourite type of neck for Stray Photon). Set up just right for pinch harmonic ecstacy, you can't miss doing them when you're thrashing out those Machine Head riffs. Next to this is the Eagle Telecaster of unknown origin which was posted about here, so we can move on to the next one. A Japanese made Fender Paisley Stratocaster and manufactured in the late eighties. It's got a typically thin sound and it's hardly played, but I love it. I think it used to belong to Squire Maguire and it was passed on to me after they found him frozen to death in the meat truck. Finally we have a Gibson SG Voodoo which I bought from Sam Ash in Manhatten when I was helping The Scorseses out with keyboards. It's the best sounding electric guitar out of all my collection but it's cursed. A loose string poked Stu in the eyeball when I swapped it for his Arsenal season ticket for a day and the case bashed me in the nose when I was trying to get it out of storage. Having said that, it is signed by Mountain (theme tune to "Weekend World" anyone?) guitarist Leslie West, and I'll probably sell it when he pops his clogs (he's worth more dead than alive, sorry Les).

There ya have it, I'm all Kleenexed out and ready to sell the bloody lot. But which five shall I keep (not including the Washburn Augusta and the Ricky bass)? More pictures here.

Here for your viewing pleasure, is the famous guitar scene with Nigel Tufnell from the film "Spinal Tap".


Anonymous said...

Love that President, Ister. Damn sentimental value - I'd have that if you weren't attached to it.

If you're ever traveling to Ireland, let me know and I'll sort out that neck for you. Nice reset and maybe a clever refret to sort out some of the bowing.

It'll play just as good as the day it left the factory (i.e. only a bit shit). Bloody Hofners. Gotta love 'em though.

Joanne Casey said...

*Points* Do you own a guitar santuary or what? I know damn all about guitars but me faves in looks have to be the Rickenbacker and gothic/alien one.

Axe Victim said...

That Clickenbacker is giving me the horn, but I want that Aria Twin. I dont' just want it, I need it. Oh yeah, and that wonderful Eagle Tele. I could use that at me gig on 6th June at the White Hart in Barnes. I hope you're coming, I know I am!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so in love with you right now...

Or is that "in lust"?

Howesy said...

Oh yes. Very nice. I'm especially liking the beading work round the skirting board.
Hope Stu and you got home okay.

savannah said...

wow, sugar! impressive lot you have there. as i said over at howsey', howsey, romo and me...concert next time i'm there!!! xoxxo
(btw, loved the scorseses!)

dive said...

Guitar porn heaven, Istvanski!
That top photo filled my keyboard with drool.
Damn, I miss my banjo! And the Vox bass oozes cool all aver the floor.
Your dad's Hofner is a thing of sublime beauty.

The Ibanez trio are sweet and the Metal Militia takes me back to places I really don't want to go!

The classic Ricky bass makes my legs go wobbly with desire and the paisley strat gave me more scary flashbacks.
I do love that sweet little SG. I've got a white one up in the attic with P90s that I've not used for years. I think it's time to get the stepladder out.
Sigh …

Never sell a guitar, young man.
I sold a whole shedload of mine and just kept the six best.
I cry myself to sleep at nights just thinking of the sheer wasteful tragedy of that decision.

Liz said...

I like the pink one.

Howesy said...

Just had a thought.
If this is guitar porn, and they're all yours, then this is the equivalent of a Reader's Wives section.
Displaying your own equipment for drooling bloggers is bad enough, but then you offer them for sale to all comers??!!
Ooooh missus, you old pimp you...

Istvanski said...

JPT - Yep, the neck needs to be re-glued into the body. There's some major work that it desperately needs but as I don't use it...
But I shall never part with it, sorry matey.

Joanne - It is a guitar sanctuary for the mentally infirm guitarist.

Axe Victim - The Eagle tele needs a set up and possibly a new nut, but the Aria Twin should be ready to play if you want to use it for the gig? 6th June, you say? Where's my bastid diary?

BatBitch - You're not in love / lust with me - it's just the guitars you want, isn't it? I don't blame you.

Howesy - There is no beading work - yet, decoraters caulk for me. Haven't heard from Stu yet, but I got home at around 1.00am after a lovely walk from Mitcham Junction, stopping off for a small doner on the way. I trust you had no probs getting home?

Savvy - Who do you fancy going to see concertwise? Please don't say "Saxon".

Dive - Those Ibanez SZ720s are poor man's PRS guitars and are not too shabby for the price. I know what you mean about not selling guitars but I think there are one or two in there that I won't miss.

Liz - You would, you're a girly.

Howesy - I might be pimping the Aria to Axe Victim. So's long as mah bitches gimme de bread dey go wit who dey want...

JDA said...

Blimey Ister 18!! 18 instruments of the string variety. I didn't realize it had grown to that number? So when the house extension happening?

Kimberly said...

Checkin' out that Washburn Augusta.
Very Sweet!!.......
And Yes!...Death Vally is a great place to loose your balls....
(So I've heard)....=0)

Sylvia said...

Are they all yours, those guitars? Where do you keep them all? Do you have to live in the attic?

savannah said...

sugar, the concert choice i would totally leave up to all ya'll! xox
seriously, when i know i'm going to be in london, emails (to romo cos i have hers *L*) will be sent! xoxo

Momentary Madness said...

God, too fucking much man. I just popped in, but I'll pop back to give it a good goin' over.
Far out!

Anonymous said...

Hard to separate the man from his ... equipment. ;-)

Dick Headley said...

Very impressive Ist. Reminds me of some beauties I've tossed out. They couldn't take the pressure.

Istvanski said...

Jif - I'll wait until the collection numbers a nice round twenty and then I'll consider building the extension. I fancy an electric mandolin and a lapsteel thingy.

Kimberly - Balls are worthless when the heat has dried them up...ask Batbitch.

Sylvia - They are all stored in a rottweiler guarded fortress somewhere in Peckham courtesy of Trotter's Independent Security Services.

Savvy - It'll be good to watch you try to drink some proper beer. Budweiser? What's all that about?

MoMad - In your own time, matey. I tend to blog less frequently these days so I try to cram more into a single post.

BatBitch - You need to visit the opticians if that's the case... ;-)

DH - Cheers, Dick. Can you remember what the ones you got rid of were? Could've been worth a tidy sum what with today's vastly inflated vintage guitar prices.

Dick Headley said...

I wouldn't kick any of yours out of bed. But I've never actually owned an electric guitar. I've been through lots of cheap acoustics. All I've got now is a couple of I bought in Hanks about 20 years ago for 200 quid. I hear they've actually got cheaper.

Momentary Madness said...

I've decided, the Hofner President is the one - you can keep the rest - a classic.
Just a hypotetical: would it have a price if the cash was in front of you. I know things have their sentimental value, but if, what if ..... what could you not turn down.

chazza said...

HA BABE. . D i n n e r

Ibanez, chips and beans x x x

Kimberly said...

Thank you for dropping by and wishing me well......
I'm still so jealous of all of your guitars though.....Looks like heaven~~~~

chazza said...

Shoosh. . Yes Isti does own a 'Guitar Santuary'. . Where all ole guitars (all makes and models)

Meet their last resting place, in peace, calm and harmony with the other retired oldies.

All Donations kindly accepted. Adopt donation scheme available for looking after all the ole ones. . .

Istvanski said...

DH - I don't know too much about the acoustic prices, but even the dodgy Gibbos made in the seventies are commanding outrageous secondhand prices these days. Oh to find a prestine Les Paul from'd be rarer than rocking horse poo.

MoMad - Hypothetical questions like this are tough for me to answer. I'd be lucky to get £200 for the Hofner if I didn't have a sentimental attachment to it.

Kimberly - No need for the jealousy, guitars are not a matter of life and death (unless they happen to be Jacksons, then they're more important than that)!

savannah said...

ister...did you just meet me? LOL i NEVER drink budweiser!!! stella, guinness are some of my beers of choice! but me? a bud? nevah

Dick Headley said...

Those vintage Les Pauls are mostly owned by wealthy pop stars now I reckon. You got me thinking about why I never really got into electric...I like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Clapton, Beck, Lemmy etc. but everything I play comes out sounding like early Dylan or James Taylor. Some kind of time warp I think.

rockmother said...

Blimey! That's some collection. I'm liking the Hofner President and the Rickenbacker bass and the Epiphone Les Paul. How were the ibanez chips and beans? Chazza! You are blogging! x

chazza said...

Rockmother. .

Hi rr yes very new to it still a mystery getting use to putting together. . Enjoying though x x

Kimberly said...

And I ammm nottt....Durnk!!!


Istvanski said...

Savvy - Stella? You're a gal after my own heart, Shoogahhh!!! ;-)

DH - I recently read an article on Gary Moore who claimed to have sold a '58 Les Paul which "sounded flat". LPs from 58/59 are meant to be the mutt's nuts if you can afford them, but if you're on a tighter budget you can buy a new historic reissue for a few grand!

RoMo - That's a collection spanning twenty years. I knew you'd like that Les Paul x

Kimberly - Ofcourse you're not drunk. You're just another Toilet Duck casualty.

Kimberly said...

I can make you a cake like that and send it to you!! But hands off of my Zappa Vinyl........L.....

chazza said...

Isti. . You NEVER Babe x x

Anonymous said...

I miss you.

Istvanski said...

Kimberly - That's very kind of you to bake me a cake, but may I at least listen to your Zappa vinyl?

Batbitch - Thanks, I appreciate the sentiment. I'll return after the play-offs.

Anonymous said...

look, i'm sorry, i didn't understand any of that. but my son almost fainted! it appears you are 'legend'

rockmother said...

Have you got a fret injury or something which means you can't tappity tap? Come back Ister - we have chocolate!

Istvanski said...

Rivergirlie - A legend? Makes a change from how I'm usually perceived, thank you.

Rosteranian - What kind of chocolate?

rockmother said...

Nice chocolate.

chazza said...

Hi Romo. . . .Ist gorgin on Easter egg at present. (we didnt get around dropping our friends kids Easter eggs off).X X

rockmother said...

I have a spare one that I had to hide otherwise it would have been chocoverload as it sends the Squidget quite squiffy. Here you are - have another one! He will never know.

chazza said...

Rom's. . I know the feelin same with Isti. .I had the eggs initially in the boot of the car. He was good though,resisted temptation. (Thought unwise..melting....err yukk it would have been).

Hidden in the suddenly it is near June..mates kids would have thought us insane giving Eggs so late.

Now Eggs are being let loose to the Isti-choc-monster. .LOL X X

Furtheron said...

I want the twin... I'll fight Axe for it