Remember that thing I was pining for which I ordered from the back pages of Soldier of Fortune? I didn't really get it from that rag, you don't think I actually read that kind of war-mongering macho tat, do you? This happens to be an acquisition from eBay. It's come all the way from Indonesia (where it was manufactured) via the States, it's tired and it needs a rest from all that jet setting. One day I may even buy a case, a snug home for me to lay her weary headstock down to sleep.
The letter arrived from Parcel Force International this morning informing me that it was ready to be collected, so I eagerly stepped on the gas all the way down to their depot in Mitcham. Realising that I had forgotten to take some decent identification with me, I offered them a debit and Costco card which they begrudgingly accepted. Import duty and tax paid for, I lugged the large box out of the office and into the Fiesta, resisting the urge to ravish it from it's cardboard and foam protection and give it a thorough fondling.
At home after a quick tune-up, I played it's first riff acoustically ("Nice'N'Sleazy" by The Stranglers) and then realised that it might need a slight set up tweak once I'd eventually get around to plugging it in for real. It'll do for now though. The good thing about this new addition is that it incorporates the Buzz Feiten Tuning System which guarantees an improved intonation on the instrument and you really can hear the difference. It also works when you apply this system to acoustic guitars too. It's a beautifully constructed electric six string although it has a tiny lacquer drip where the neck meets the body but it's quite unnoticeable, so I'll let that go considering what I paid for it.
The reason why I had to order it from the States was that this model is not available in the UK and the last few are selling out over the pond. Washburn have even stopped listing them on their catalogue. I was really worried about it becoming damaged in transit but on reaching these shores I was pleasantly surprised that it had arrived in one piece.
Why have I christened her "Barnesy"? Because it came in the mail.
This weekend's music treat comes courtesy of Billy and Pompey Joe doing this classic;
Alas, there is a live version here.
William Shatner, he's a gas gas gas. Like the clip.
The tuning system seems a must. I played guitar once upon a time- folk and classical study for three years, and tuning was a strange thing with me- I could tune using harmonics on the 5th. 7th. and
12th. fret, but on some days, I don't know what it was, I just couldn't get the sound in sync.
I stopped playing 20 years ago, and when I pick up a guitar in someones pad, or, I can't play a bleedin' thing,,,,,, but I understand your passion completely- never give it up. Keep on rockin'
I'm really good at air guitar - does that count? I'm very impressed you can play the Nice 'n' Sleazy riff.
Nice bit of Shatner there Ist....cheers.
I wondered what happened to Joe Jackson - he seems to have turned into Yellowman.
All those angry young men - Jackson, Graham Parker, Costello and Clive Gregson. Are they all still angry?
Welcome Barnesy.
Look after Ister now wontcha.
Sean - I'm glad that Bill is up for doing stuff like this, his self-effacing attitude is refreshing. The tuning system - it really does work and very noticable on the electro acoustic that I have. I'm very pleased with Washburn's mid priced range of guitars. If you ever want to get back into playing, you should seriously check them out.
RoMo - Air guitar certainly does count. We can't have you missing out on all the fun, can we?
DH - Someone has done a great vid on YouTube for Shatner's rendition of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds and it's worth watching.
Geoff - I saw Joe Jackson when he was on a tour co-headlining with Todd Rundgren a few years ago, great gig it was too. It's surprising how many good songs he's written in the past.As for still being angry men, perhaps age and good fortune have mellowed them?
Howesy - I've just found out via eBay that I'm expecting again. I'm calling it Zakk.
You are exceptionally lucky to get something in the post all the way from the US in one piece.
If I were you, I would run out and buy a lottery ticket double quick to see if your luck is still holding.
Funny thing was that the packaging wasn't that great or protective. Right...I'm off down to Paddy Power.
Oooh It's gaawwgeoouuss! Very nice.
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