It was payed for two weeks ago. Am I being unreasonably impatient? Or shall I put it down to the delivery backlog caused by another Xmas season of capitalism? I'd be lying if I said that possession of said thing was critical to my existence. But I simply must have it with me, now.
So listen here mister customs officer. Stop being such a jobsworth and clear my item before any of the others. It's a gift, right, so that means I shan't be paying any crappy crippling taxes like the ones that I already 'donate' through PAYE.
So hurry up fascist, or I'll get Smiley Culture to write a song about you.
At least I've got some good news in that I've just discovered that I'm entightled to a new pair of specs paid for by work. Isn't life grand, eh folks?
I do suppose it all depends on what sort of 'item' it may be Isterness. Hm?
All I'm saying is that I ordered it from the back pages of 'Soldier of Fortune'.
Has it arrived yet? Has it arrived yet? Has it arrived yet? Has it arrived yet?..... repeat ad nauseum.
This is what it's like in Istvanski's head at the mo!
BTW, that short film (partly) stole one of my promotional video ideas, bastards.
I can't wait to do that.
The film, not the BJ that is...
Must rush, I'm orf to Vicarage Road.
Not another supergun kit?
Relieved I must confess .....
to discover it was his gear-stick. I was beginning to feel quite small.
In the face of a powerful set of jaws I can get back in the water.
RoMo - Zupergun? I vass vandering ven yoo vould cotton on, Mr Bond. Und vid dis contraption I vill rool ze vurld. Bwahaha.
Sean - You were relieved? The bloke in the car wasn't. Swim away and enjoy the welcoming waters of the Baltic. What's the weather like in Kirjala?
Don't tell me you ordered one of those add inches machines. They don't work.
Nah. I've always gone for the 'stapling paperweights to the foreskin' method.
It's made me the man I am today.
I've never had anything stopped by customs because of duty. Mind you, i only order CDs, DVDs and books in small quantities. Once had a package from the Netherlands officially searched. It was a video from a friend but they were checking for drugs.
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