Tonight, as you sink your gallons of pink champagne / sour mash / anti-freeze, please spare a thought for those members of the public that have had to give up on the celebrations to help maintain some sort of public order and cohesion for tonight's revellry.
I'm thinking about the marvellous jobs done by the emergency services such as all the doctors, nurses, fire brigade, coast guard and even the pigs!
I'm thinking about the marvellous jobs done by the emergency services such as all the doctors, nurses, fire brigade, coast guard and even the pigs!
Also, think of those working tonight who'll ensure that you have a good time as you party the night away. I'm talking about the bar staff at your watering hole of choice, the radio DJ's who have given up their New Year's night of debauchery just to make those listening on their tod feel as if they've got some company. This can also be said of everyone in the TV industry - apart from those involved in Jools Holland's Hoota-bloody-nanny.
But most of all folks, we must remember that this is a ripe time of year for drink driving offences. The temptation to say "sod the walk, I'll take the car" is huge, as nights are dark, cold and frankly very unwelcoming outside the walls of your home as you prepare to brave the journey to your local pub.
So it's just as well us train drivers are here to save the day...

Have a good 'un.
Love & Peace to all,
Ister x
Nice thought, fair play to you.
For a sec. I thought I'd gone into space; lots of room suddenly- much better than that minimalist touch.
Yes, have a good night, and be careful- only drop half, and then if you think the ticker can take it , the other half. The auld MDA is not what it used to be.
You might end up with (GHB) Grievous Bodily Harm, ask David Hasselhoff, or worse 4-MTA, inducing "serotonin syndrome" in other words- bleedin' all over the place. I shouldn't really joke, it's not funny if your teenager walks into it in a club. So yes, it's good we have those people out there in one capacity or another looking after us God bless them, or even better, pay them more, as they deserve much more.....
You can tell I've started off early- I can't shut up.
Happy New Year Istvanski to you and yours, may you prosper even more.
serotoninergic syndrome
Hurrah for the train drivers!
Happy New Year Istvanski. I'm raising a virtual glass of champers to you.
PS You have made us Firefox users very happy with your new look.
Bloody hell, what's happened here? Back in Black?
How very dare you diss my mate Jools. I can't wait for his interviews with French, Saunders, Edmondson and Rivron. It's my annual chance to smash the telly.
That Warlock's performing magic, isn't he? I really don't know why the Blades let him go.
Let the train take the strain!
Happy New Year, Ister.
Joooollls Hollands Hooteninny was recorded in July, I would think. He's probably spending the evening in his castle having a banquet with members of the Royal Family, so bollocks to him.
Have a happy New Year.
Well the pub was shite. Thank you for getting everyone home safely. Jools Holland is pre-recorded - for the record and I'm half-pissed with nothing but Chanel specs on balancing the ibook on my knee's in bed - Hippy Neu Year Isterness - may the sun shine for ever on your kind head x (oh no not much drunk at all - just champagne and vodka and tonic and loads more champagne and lashings of fine cheese and biscuits and home made crostini by me..because secretly I am Anthea Redfern - the hostess with the mostess - badoom)
Happy New Year to all of you! I hope it went well for everyone.
Oh, about the new template; I had too much time on my hands again and decided to tamper with the HTML coding for some strange reason and the old one came out looking all weird when I viewed the blog. So instead I opted for a simpler, standard issue Blogger template. If you're a Firefox user (whatever that is...I thought it was a Clint Eastwood film), then I'm happy that you're happy.
Sean - Steady mate, let's not hassle the Hoff ;-)
If I was PM / dictator of England, I'd pass a law whereby train drivers would be paid a minimum wage of £100k.
Per week.
It'd be great to see Rio-bloody-Ferdinand driving a Hounslow rounder.
Happy New Year Sean!
Annie - "Hurrah for the train drivers!"
I agree. Specially the train drivers that were stuck in Staines up loop on the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve.
That glass of virtual champers was bloody good. Which virtual off licence did you virtually buy it from?
Happy New Year Annie!
Geoff - So? Is it down to Comet tomorrow morning to buy a new TV? Was anyone hurt in the violence?
Warnock resigned from Sheffield United. The board didn't think he was their man for the job, they weren't prepared to give him full support. Also, Sean Bean (actor bloke and former Blades board-person) swore at his family after they got relegated at the end of last season. You can read about it in Colin's autobiography "Made in Sheffield" available from all good bookstores blah, blah, blah...
He's not working any magic at all, Geoff. As you yourself said not too long ago, he's achieved this with "a lot of hard work..."
I'm actually starting to like him. HNY matey!
Betty - A pre-recorded Hoot-a-fanny? I still won't wish any of the crew a Happy New Year because they chose to be involved in producing this dross in the first place. Bollocks to the lot of 'em, but a Happy New Year to you and Geoff.
Howesy - The ball isn't wearing a high visibility vest. That's where he's gone wrong.
As for: "Drivers will not hold on to their balls while in the cab"
If that's the case, I should've got the sack ages ago. I can't tell you of the number of times I've been dying for a slash halfway through a Waterloo-Weybridge trip. Happy New Year Howesy!
RoMo - Oh dear! Why? What was wrong with the pub?
Nowt on except Chanel specs, eh? That's class, that is! ;-) As for the "kind head" bit, ooerr madam, I've never heard it called that before. Happy New Year to you and I hope you have a lazy hazy day to recover x
Anthea Redfern - I better not ask as to wether or not you received your Brucie Bonus last night.
Good game, was it?
Oh no. It's getting a bit too 'Tony Blackburn' around here - sickly sweet and full of cheap innuendo. Always start a new year how you intend to go on.
Or something.
Scores on the Doors are:
Romo Hangover 2
Himwhosnoreslikeabison and our next door neighbour a wopping 85 a piece and suffering big time.
Ha! How smug am I?!
Happy New Year Isters x
I've only just noticed - you've gone all Blogger. Doh! Must have been drunker than I thought..! x
Better stay away from those Babychams next time, Roster x
A new look for the new year. Now that's exciting! Happy New Year Istavanetski!!
Smeg the train drivers! I'm just ecstatic about the fact that you finally got rid of the awful 'tabloid' look on your blog!
HURRAY!! three cheers for Ister!!
"hip hip"......?
"hip hip"......?
"hip hip"......?
Oh....and look, no more errors on the page either...
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
DH - Cheers. And an oh so HNY to you too Dickers.
Jif - I knew you'd say something regarding this new template. I hope it's made it more easy for you and your laptop to follow. HNY by the way.
Crescent - Mourinho's left the building, mate.
a very belated thank you for the b-day wishes/label, sugar! ;-)
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