Thursday, January 17, 2008

For Mash-Ups Get Smashed

Ister's yearly YouTube review. A mash-up is a song or composition created from the combination of the music from one song with the a-cappella from another. They've been around now for a while and I'm a big fan. Some are quite cleverly done, others are not. Mash-ups of note that I've heard so far are "Enter My Sharona" (fnarr fnarr, which is a cross between Metallica's "Enter Sandman" and The Knack's "My Sharona") and another called "Hungry Like The T-Rex" - you can guess which songs are combined in that one for yourselves. Both of these are from mash-up DJ ToToM. My current fave is "The Foo Roses" and "The Eur-O-Stripes", but there are awful ones like this offering incompassing The Prodigy and Enya. Fucking shocking.
Oh, and on a slightly unrelated note, I enjoyed this college re-make of The Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up" promo vid. Charming, silly and not slated by the censors, which means that it's nowhere near as good as the original (which can still be seen on YouTube providing you sign up and confirm your date of birth).
Where was I? Oh yes, mash-ups. I bet you're wondering how they put them all together, eh? Never fear, here's our lovely Mrs Teller to instruct us on this noble waste of time. Go Sue!


Alan said...

Brilliant!- I'm all mashed up,
Mm mm oh, oh, yeah, yeah!
Yes the Stripes- you could travel the world and the seven seas to find better than that, but I am a little bias, as Annie is one of my favourites in every way.
Mrs. Teller, now why didn't I have a Granny like that.
Great start to "Smak My Bitch Up"
but it burnt out too quickly; couldn't get a hit out of it at all, did they?;-)

Istvanski said...

Hello Sean.
I'd like to see Annie do a duet with Jack White. Perhaps there is a mash-up artist reading this that can oblige us in some way?

We all wish we had a granny like Mrs. Teller. The thing I remember about my granny was watching her kill a chicken with her bare hands for supper. Thankfully, she plucked the feathers and cooked it in the oven before serving it to us.

Joanne Casey said...
