Monday, January 21, 2008

Drizzle Falls On Brizzle

It's time for a KitKat after last Saturday's entertainment. I was half asleep when I went through the turnstiles at Selhurst Park for the match against Bristol City. We won the game comfortably by two goals to nil and we got three points. But the brave crew of 19 Electric films (purveyors of fine quality real life mini documentaries) got more. They got a lot more.
After scoring our second goal around the eighty five minute mark, the Bristol supporters suddenly got angry as they realised that the Palace fans were humans instead of sheep. Boy, did that piss 'em off! No new blood for them to breed with! Here's what actually happened when things got a bit shirty and remember - don't try this at home, kids. Music courtesy of Meg 'n' Jack.

It's good to see our hard earned taxpayer's cash going on police that actually try to put in a bit of effort for once, isn't it? I was wide awake by the end of the game and afterwards I went on to EC1 for the blogmeet.
Now, as a blogmeet, it was a disaster as only two of us turned up (and only one of the two is a blogger). But as a night out it was a success. We approached the venue to see all these on location trucks and horses that we soon found out were to be used in the new Terry Gilliam film. We had a brief chat with a few Stabilisers before they had to take the smallish but cosy stage and they took it by storm, but enough about this weekend's crappy weather. They did the business as per usual, with a special dedication of "Bendy Head" (much appreciated, gentlemen). Mind you, their version of Cliff's "Living Doll" was dreadful - they couldn't even get through the first verse.

Above: Papa Shango - the first cut is the deepest

More drinks afterwards as most of the band decided to pack up and call it a night, leaving Jon stuck with Stuie and myself to enjoy the mellow sounds of acoustic singer / songwriter Amy Fray. Voice of an angel, songs that I've heard somewhere before. We grabbed some fresh air outside where we saw two people dressed as if they were on their way to a Halloween party, one in a skull mask and white paper overalls and the other dressed as a second rate Screaming Jay Hawkins. We thought they were part of the film crew. Turns out they were essential members of Papa Shango, a good fun band and certainly worth a punt. With songs like "Love Sponge", "Nothing But The Boots" and "Shit On My Chest" along with a duelling stylophone stint, how can they not be anything but superb? Never knew I could still pogo at my age. If only more days were like this.

I'd like to personally thank that homeless guy for the croissant and chat about night buses on the way home to Morden - I ended up taking Shank's pony from there. The drink made me do it, your Honour.

As Patrick McGoohan used to say; "be seeing you".


rockmother said...

Blinkin'eck. Great film though. You should put it up on Fourdocs.

Saturday sounded fun - see you at the next one.

Shit On Your Chest. That's almost worthy of Spinal Tap...x

Alan said...

Great atmosphere, but what about the match.
Do you think I'd stand out in the crowd with earmuffs on, on the wrong side shouting for the opposition.
They wouldnt mind I'm sure they seem like a nice bunch of lads.
Well could be worse, at least one turned up, and you made the most as the host.
Walking home alone, be careful, from what I hear these days in your part of the world can be dangerous?
Superb post;-)

Istvanski said...

RoMo - Fourdocs?!? This isn't a film about the NHS, you know ;-)

Sean - The match? You mean pitchside? Dunno mate, I erm, kinda got distracted a bit. As for the blogmeet, yes, you could say I hosted for myself which sounds like a bit of a weird oxymoron. Reminds me of the "bottomless pit" conversation we had on the night.

rockmother said...

Pennebaker eat your heart out. It is a modern social firsthand document of ineffective policing if anything! Go on - I dare you - upload it.

Istvanski said...

You'll have to urge 19 Electric to do that, as they own the copyright. They've also got the footage, which helps...x

rockmother said...

Ah - I thought I didn't see Fiona in front of the camera!

Billy said...

I worked at Ashton Gate once for a cup tie against Everton. I had loads of Scousers shouting at me for pasties.

Ah the memories.

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Wish I was there to see the AWM take on the firm !

As I cant get to the games at the moment, the 2 hour each way train trip does not go down with the wife when she is due to have the baby !, my Dad and brother said they saw all sorts kicking off after the 2nd goal and even the walk to the car was a little dodgy.

Next game for me is end of Feb for Wolves. Should be our 21st unbeaten game :-)

Istvanski said...

RoMo - Fi? The Kate Adie of sarf east Lahndahn.

Billy - It's very tribal orientated banter, isn't it? I hope the scousers didn't nick the pasties, they use stolen hubcaps for dinner plates...

Palace Fan - There wasn't much 'taking on' really. Loads of banter, with the Bristol mob acting like extras in a bad David Cronenberg zombie film (think along the lines of "Rabid" and you'll get the idea).
Two weeks to go for your second nipper? All the best to you and yours, hope the birth goes well and a big 'congratulations' in advance! I'm sure he/she will become another Palace fan - we need to fill a few more seats in the Arthur Wait ;-)

Howesy said...

Dear Mr Ister,
Your video is "no longer available".
Please could you talk me through what happened?

rockmother said...

Ooh - is it being used for Police Five with Shaw Taylor? ;-)

Istvanski said...

Howesy - Brizzle firm got a bit angry with us calling them 'sheep shaggers', the final whistle blew, Palace won 2 - 0 and we all lived happily ever after.

Keep 'em peeled RoMo, that's how City fans like to eat their hospital grapes...

Howesy said...

Happy to be able to see the film at last, I'd forgotten quite how friendly those carrot crunchers are, going to all that effort just to get your autograph mate...
How did that guy get through the turnstiles with that snazzy pair of Saturdaymeltdown sunglasses on?