Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Are you eagerly awaiting the new release of Stan Lee's Iron Man at your local picture house? Quench your thirst with a far superior, erm, superhero film, the trailer for which is below. I discovered this while I was visiting my 'usual sites'.

Unearthed for the first time in 43 years and lovingly restored at Maxischermo Studios Milan, this rare theatrical trailer for the 1964 Italian classic 'Italian Spiderman' is a real treat. Featuring Franco Franchetti of 'Mondo Sexo' fame in his last ever role before being killed in a spear fishing accident in 1965. Director, Gianfranco Gatti, reminisces on 'Italian Spiderman'; "I have made some mistakes in my life...bad, bad mistakes".
For Spider music visit:


Anonymous said...

Inspired stuff indeed. Was that Jack Black I saw in there? Also excellent is Turkish Spiderman (just have a search on YouTube). If you get bored with Spidey, you can also check out Turkish Rambo. Moving stuff.

The new Ironman however, does have the advantage of Black Sabbath. Sabs rule ok!

Alan said...

Now that's a superhero, a real one I can tell the difference.
Him and Maxwell Smart would I imagine work well together.

llewtrah said...

I prefer Iron Chef myself ....

Dick Headley said...

Phew that's an exciting trailer! I jumped out of my seat when that goblin popped up.

rockmother said...

I like a bit of Iron Bru myself. What are you all going on abaaaht? And you've got a glittery signature thing going on.

Istvanski said...

JPT - Turkish Rambo? Are you referring to that real life squabble in the street? Quality!
The new Iron Man film just had to have that Sabbath track in it. I was lucky to see one of the reunion gigs that the Sabs gave. Ozzy was crap, but the rest of 'em were good. They are the godfathers of metal.

Sean - You've got a right good partnership there. When men were men, eh?

Llewtrah - Iron Chef for an iron constitution?

DH - They sprung us with the Goblin just as we were getting into that "Romanza" section, so that the element of surprise works every time. Gianfranco Gatti knew his stuff.

RoMo - I bet you never studied the fine craftsmanship of Alrugo at film school. As for that signature, yes - I like it. Poncey, but nice.

Joanne Casey said...

He's fit!

Istvanski said...

He's as fit as a broken Stradivarius. Too many tunes played on an old fiddle.