Chazza and I had to go to a secret rendevous in Kent (KFC car park, Junction 9 off the M20) to pick up an eBay bargain buy of 37 pairs of women's shoes for 99 pence. The rest of the gloriously sunny afternoon was spent at Leeds Castle.
This was a lovely day out and worth every penny of the admission fee (*cough*). More shoddilly taken pictures can be seen here. Thoroughly recomended for all ages. How did you spend your weekend? Has anyone seen Sunday's "Wife Swap" featuring Freddie Starr and Samantha Fox? Did he eat her beaver?

Nurse, where did you leave my medication?
Those 99 pence shoes in full.

Freddie Starr - what a c*nt. He didn't come across very well and if they had invented such a thing as a Wii Slap - I would have given him one.
I used to think Freddie Starr was a genius.
I was young.
Never been to Leeds Castle. We must go this year.
I'm just about to settle down to Celeb Wife Swap in a mo. Freddie is as dated as Jim Davidson, but he used to make me laugh. I guess we were all young once, Geoff.
Leeds Castle - best viewed on a sunny day.
what on earth are you going to do with a pile of women's shoes?
Still, nice to see you mixed business with culture.
I was forced to watch celeb wife swap last night. Reaffirmed my view that FS is a complete ****. I'm pleased to say I've never found him funny. Mind you, I was a Donny fan in my youth, so I've not anything to be proud of.
SF came across very well.
Will take you up on your recommendation re Leeds
deleted previous post due to bad grammar. Not much better now.
A bit of Del boy activity huh? I'm surprised Murph hasn't turned up at the suggestion of Leads ....
RoMo - Interesting thing about that programme was how Freddie said that he was a natural loner and he loved being on his own for those three years after his divorce. Why then did he jeopardise (sp) this ideal situation by getting himself a partner? He could always afford a maid to do housekeeping duties. And if Winehouse and Doherty can be forgiven their stupidity because of drug addiction, could the same go for Freddie (I seem to recall he had a bad valium addiction years ago)?
I'm not sticking up for his behaviour or the way he was portrayed (wether rightly or wrongly) as being just. He's very much a bloke of his time (the time that time forgot?) and I suppose now that he is approaching retirement age he feels he can take it easy. He's old fashioned and his brain is fried, it's just the way he is and if his wife is prepared to put up with that then it's her choice.
Sam Fox as a mum? The impression I got was that I really don't think that both she and her partner have really thought about it that much. The look on Sam's other half's face spoke volumes to me regarding having their own kid(s). A one day children's party is not a tester as to wether having children would be a good idea, it's more of a novelty. Perhaps deep down she feels that she may be emotionally threatened by an additional family member? Maybe Sam feels maternal and her partner doesn't? That's the vibes I was getting.
Gimme a go on that Wii - I'll slap the both of 'em.
Sylvia - Hello and welcome. Help yourself to a cup of tea and some Jaffa cakes and there's no need to worry about bad grammar here, you're sure to feel at home.
The women's shoes were for my better half, she did the deal and she's been sorting out the wheat from the chaf. They're all a size 4 and 5 anyway, so far too small for me :-(
Sam Fox came across better than Freddie because she seemed sober and more composed in her dealings with Starr and she got stuck into the challenge. It was wrong of Freddie to mock Sam's past page three career but let's face it, Foxy couldn't sing for toffee, and it was her boobs that made her popular (however many millions of albums she may have sold). Bleeding good luck to her whatever the case and she looks fantastic for 41. It almost makes me wish I was a lesbian.
Llewtrah - Hello Chelmsford! The deal was all legal and above board I can assure you. Murph doesn't come round these parts, he's scared of the cats.
I hope not the beginning of Marcos syndrome;-)
Exquisite castle there’s no doubt judging by your photos- a nice bit of work.
Man, leaving the luxury out, the space alone brings on my Agoraphobia.
I can’t imaging - even though I think I can - having the luxury of so much space to live in. I would have to see my Psychiatrist twice a month, and up the med.
The only minor thing I didn't like was the red-bed-cover.
O yes, your photo of the maze was endorsed by Fabrizio's request/quest.
Ariadne's thread- I used to have a spool of that, but now I just get lost all the time.
Hey, you, you with the Starr in your eye- that’s all you need istvanski- one appearance on the Royal Variety and your made.
I don’t know about the beaver but I hear he’s very fond of hamster.
rockmother, I'd love to see you give Freddie a good slapin'. I can see it now with Sam Fox cheerin' you on, and Freddie's wife- "go on give em one, and another, and,,,,,;-) ;-)
Ister - I am a shoeaholic - are they all the same the shoes - or lots of different pairs?
Re: Freddie Starr - he seemed like he had brain damage but that is no excuse for being a total c*@t. I thought it was sad that his wife was prepared to put up with such a dysfunctional set-up and most telling was her defence of his behaviour - as if the consequences of challenging him would be bad. She looked really unsettled when they had the follow-up meeting. He was so angry. If he loved being by himself so much then that's what he should do. I felt the most sorry for the kids. As for Sam - good on her but I agree - having lots of kids over for one day isn't a massive indicator as to whether you will be a good parent or not but what is? Being a parent - all you can do is do your best. Being a good or a bad parent is different things to different people - as is spoiling! Oh god I'm annoying myself now - I must go x
Sean - Check out "2000 shoes" by B.A.D, a song all about Imelda.
Yes, that bedspread is too red. Funnily enough, the room it's in was used as a holding room or cell for naughty aristocrats - make of that what you will. The huge size of the bed is part of the whole status symbol thing. There was also a vintage Louis Vitton trunk in the adjoining room from the 1920's. Furniture was gorgeous in that place.
I'm glad you got the beaver connection.
Rostless - re: Freddie Starr's missus. Better off than John McCrirrick's spouse or not?
You've probably seen the updated post featuring the shoe picture. Most of them were flat soled comfy shoes, 4 pairs need attention (ie: resoling, heeling, etc), a few were hardly worn and about 10 pairs are brand new.
Non-shoe addicts find the habit baffling ("Why? You can only wear one pair at a time!"), but it's the same what they say about guitar heads ("Why do you have all those guitars? You can only play one at a time!"). Let us all rise up and tell these idiots to bugger off.
Cool, I'll check BAD out,
I have to admit I am a shoe nut myself, it's the first thing I look at when I meet/see, male or female, well with exception to the latter maybe; pending on the mood, other things catch ones eye, but yes I dig shoes, and guitars.
Re: shoes - grey slip-ons with white socks and bad cowboy boots on men are always a signal to make your excuses and run run run as far away as your vintage Terry De Havilland's can take you!
As for Freddie Starr's wife - better off as anyone's wife quite frankly. I'm not saying anymore - it's all a bit too close to the bone/home for me!
PS: I was just looking in an estate agent's window this afternoon and an elderly woman came up to me, well shouted at me actually "looking for a new house?!" She STANK of old ladies face powder and proceeded to tell me that she had lived in St Margarets since she was 23 and used to drink with John Lennon and Diana Dors. Shame they are both dead she said. My name's Connie, what's yours? Barking but ever so intriguingly sweet....I may have to blog about it. Just thought I would share.
Just caught up with Freddie and Sam last night, on the whole a thoroughly pointless exercise and a waste of half and hour or so (I managed not to watch it all).
Freddie has made a living from being a professional un-funny (if you're sober) c##t and was just playing up to expectations. Sam Fox is one of the original "celebrities", famous for an impressive rack, dabbling with Christianity, before discovering she's a lesbian, all very interesting (particularly the rack, I was just a lad back then you understand...) but why that makes her someone we should be interested in is beyond me.
Well, I must go, have to catch up with what Britney's up to. I heard a rumour she is going on the latest american reality show "Pierce your bits and win your kids back", Oprah Winfrey is hosting it and other prospective contestants include Pam Anderson, John Travolta and Charlie Chaplin (the thinking being that a corpse might liven things up a bit).
Rant over,
I'm orf...
Sweet Jaysus, all those shoes for 99p? How can anyone be so jammy? (They're too small for me also, but I would have still bought them, a bargain's a bargain)
Wish I'd saw that episode of wife swap.
Sean - Noticing shoes on a female is a sight to behold, mostly on Waterloo station concourse when it's Ladies' Day at Ascot. You see hordes of women in stunning frocks only to find that they are wearing flip-flops as part of the ensemble.
RoMo - I'm sure you'd also run away from the bearded man wearing white socks and sandals?
Your comment regarding that celeb ligger of an old dear inspired the latest post - it was the bit about the estate agent, so it's not that interesting. Go on, blog about that sweet old lady with the smelly face powder, we need to know more.
Howesy - I remember Sam Fox's brush with Christianity. She sat uncomfortably in the pews of Brompton evangelical church, where a lot of young professional people were regulars. Sam clearly felt out of sorts and her spiritual search didn't last long, perhaps preferring her showbiz lifestyle and craving for same sex flesh.
Joanne - What would you have done with 37 pairs of ill-fitting shoes, eh?
As for that Celeb Wife Swap, the only smart thing that Freddie Starr said which I agreed with was that "Sam would make a good mum". It wasn't brilliant TV.
Celeb Wife Swap; made by RDF Media who made up that recent documentary about Her Maj Queen. Perhaps they are not a firm to be trusted?
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