We had parked up nearby to the high street after asking for directions to the venue (we got sent in the opposite way by a dozy bitch who should've known better). After asking an actual native, we were on our way to what must be one of the cosiest pubs I've been in for a long time. For those that know The Nag's Head and say that it's anything but cosy, then you should compare it to the Anne Boleyn on the Barking Road or the now defunct and very non-existent St Helliers Tavern that used to be perched on the interchange between Goat Road and Green Wrythe Lane, Carlshalton (not so much a pub, more a den of knives and gunfire). Plus the fact that I don't manage to get out much these days indicates that I think I'm justified in being correct with the description.
The place started to get busy half an hour before Armitage Shanks took to the stage and when they did, things did not bode well for our ears. Strange looking guitars were wielded and they started tuning up very badly by ear. Some impatient gig-goers may have thought "what's the point?" and more so if you know they're a punk band. But there they were dressed in smart black and white suits, all Tarantino'd up and they were ready to let rip.
Saints preserve us, they sounded as rough as industrial strength brillo pads.
But here's where I failed to get it. I've been judging gigs for quite a while now on the technical abilities of the band and their sound engineers, that I've possibly been missing the point. Once I received this epiphany, I quickly warmed to the band. These are a bunch of gentlemen that actually enjoy themselves and once they get up on the stage they enthusiastically endeavour to hit you hard with this glorious racket. Who are they to worry about the pettiness of technicalities? It's not something that's bothered this band for the last 18 years of its existence, so why should it bother them now?
They knocked out audience faves such as "Jack Regan", "Ambulance", "Shirts Off" as well as their fondly appreciated cover versions of The Clash's "1977" and "Keys to your Heart" by The 101ers. I wished I'd listened to some more of their stuff prior to their gig as it would've been more enjoyable.
But enjoyable it was and possibly more so for their drummer Vic Flange (owner of undoubtedly the best punk name in showbiz) who celebrated his birthday too...so, many happy returns to Vic.
If you like scrappy punk with attitude and laughs, then look no further. If you're a technical snob, then fuck off now. For those that are still reading, here's a clip of Armitage Shanks performing "Jack Regan (broken on the floor)" from the Art Fein show, recorded during the 2006 USA tour.
Phew! I try and keep my ears as open as possible to all forms of music and I enjoyed the experience of reading the gig review and watching the clip. I'd probably go bonkers if I was to play this stuff at home though. It's not really my bag, but I love its overall verve and spirit. It gives hope to others. Nice one.
Excellent stuff, Istvanski.
A glorious racket indeed!
I so often find I enjoy watching average Joes having a bloody marvelous time on stage much, MUCH more than some joyless technical wiz having a wank.
Great fun!
That just plain olde SUCKED. It made me want to poke out my eardrums with a sharp pencil. Then again, I am kind of musical snot. To each their own, I suppose.
I can't see the clip :o(
why can't I see the clip? :o(
I want to, but I can't :o(
Think I'll descend into a rotten sulk...
Oh it's okay.
It's there now.
Peter Garrett's let 'imself go ain't 'e?
I know I probably won't like it, but I can't see any clip...
Where's it gone?
Rochester? That's almost Billy Childish country! Were any of his wives there?
I had an omelette in a pub there once. A plain omelette, a bread roll and a tomato.
Old skool, I like it. He would do quite well on stars in their eyes - Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be...Buster bloodvessel!
Bet they're Nazi-skins.
why am i reminded of let's do the time warp again
Did someone say guitars?
Great review Ister - although I had to stop the clip and save it for later because it's 07:14 and I haven't had a coffee yet and it was a bit loud even with the volume down low. Softrockmother x
Racket is right, shirts and ties, and verve of course, lots of verve. Not sure what to think really. Hope they have day jobs.
Thanks for your valued comments, everybody. Armitage Shanks are The Stabilisers' premier warm-up act. Seriously speaking, I thought both bands that night were terrific and a great time was had by all.
Axe - If you have at least 50% verve & spirit then you're halfway there (but only in terms of having verve and spirit, obviously).
Dive - I'm sure The Shanks lads will be greatful that you've bestowed an "average" rating on them in terms of musicality. Rumour has it that any new bass player that wishes to join the band must have no experience whatsoever. I think that's an unwritten rule.
Prudence - I hope you haven't worn the blade out on your pencil sharpener, there's loads more stuff of theirs on YouTube. Aw, go on, spoil yerself.
Go on, go on, go on, go on, etc.
Howesy - Now you see it, now you don't. At least Jarrett's new band is better than that last lot he was with. Beds Are Burning? My arse...but only when you let one rip under the duvet.
Jif - Are you still in the dark with regards to that clip? Maybe that's just as well.
Geoff - No, Tracey Emin was nowhere to be seen.
Joanne - I'd like to categorically state that The Shanks are not Nazis. The fact that they arrived at the gig venue in a Fuchs II 6 x 6 armoured personnel carrier is neither here nor there.
Savvy - You're not, 'cos punk will never die. The Shanks are trying their best to kill it off though...
BatBitch - Dick Scum was armed with a Rickenbacker. No fatalities have been reported so far, but a 45 year old female office manager from New Hampshire has been treated for bleeding eardrums.
RoMo - Looks like you've taken on another "lightweight" option. Wise choice, now that you've seen the size of these blokes.
DH - They can't have day jobs, they need all that time to rehearse.
Nice SG classic, not sure about using the mic as a slide.
You going to Watford tomorrow?
They don't look like they're 'enjoying themselves' much on that clip - perhaps they had to tone down their act for the benefit of delicate US audiences. Or maybe they're just better with some audience feedback. I hope they were a little more lively when you saw them.
Palace Fan - I decided against going to Watford today purely for superstitious reasons. Last time I went to Vicarage Road resulted in us getting knocked out of the FA Cup.
It was a cracking result for us today and it very nearly shut smug little Boothroyd up.
Liz - How much more lively does it need to be? More jumping around perhaps? Careful now, that part of the world lies on the San Andreas fault, they have enough earthquakes out there as it is.
Was a good day but not a great match, Ref was really poor and I was shocked that we actually won because the ref and Linesman seemed to be so against us.
Hull Saturday, another club close to me as the company I work for has the registered office there. I'm not going though, looking forward to Burnley now.
ozomatli...come check them out
I would have loved to be there: "scrappy punk with attitude"
I do I do, though I'm more of a quiet-loud Pixies/nirvana type of guy: "where is my mind," and "where's my head gone" respectively (that's me)
Space man.
Sounds like a nice trip- what's the light guinness like?
I've never been here before. It's pretty interesting......But what the hell are you doing in your photo???
Palace Fan - At this time of the season I'm happy with the three points over entertainment and quality play. I'll be at the Burnley game but won't be able to get up to Hull, I get nose-bleeds when I go that far north.
Savvy - Thank you, I will check out Ozmosis.
Reg - Never got to try the Guinness, I was driving that night. Have you seen the reformed Pixies? I've read some good reports.
Kimberly - Hello there! I'm scraping the fat from the kebab which shall be put to good use as an alternative lotion to Grecian 2000.
Ozomatli are great - me got that on vinyl! Oh the good old days..
well, thanks for stopping by.
My,My I have to say.......I have seen your profile and it's really freaking me out.
The Bob Dylan photo in my latest??.....I wasn't mistaking him for Jude Law, I was making a comparison between what some women consider beautiful today and......well,....Mr. Beautiful.
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