Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Zimbabwe Election Update


Momentary Madness said...

Off with his ugly mug.

savannah said...

bless your heart, sugar! how'd you find that?? xox

Joanne Casey said...

Ferrero Rocher tree ya say? I'll vote for him!

Istvanski said...

Mo.Mad - Off with it indeed. I think the syphilis has reached his brain.

Savvy - This is a sketch from a new UK show called Headcases.

Joanne - Trust you to be taken in by a Ferrero Rocher tree. Saying that, if Mugabe tempted me with an all-expenses paid trip to Cadbury World, I might just vote for the demented old fecker. It doesn't take much to bribe me.

Suzy Norman said...

Yoohoo! I got here via Mondo's site, who had a rockmother link, who then plugged you down the wire. Phew! Anyway, I'm here and I'm gonna have a snoop around. 'k?

rockmother said...

Oh my god - the tiniternet! It knows no bounds!

captain chaos said...

Savannah was right, your blog is hilarious. Sadly, the Mugabe bit is probably more accurate than any of us would like to think.

Istvanski said...

Roman Empress - Linkage malarkey - it's the Three Degrees of separation. I never even knew they got married.

RoMo - Spooky, isn't it? Makes you want to hide in Batbitch's disaster area. On second thoughts...

Hassan - Cheers, mate. How's your leg getting on? That Mugabe sketch is bang on the money.

Anonymous said...

Luv you too Ist. Just for that, no cover charge next time you visit the disco. ;-)

Istvanski said...

Get some hamburgers in and I'll think about it :)

Anonymous said...

Tell you what; I'll provide the buns, if you bring the meat. :-)

rockmother said...

What about the hot sauce?

Istvanski said...

BB - I take it you don't want the meat tenderised?

RoMo - Hmm, I can think of a few saucy gits x

Anonymous said...

This is true. Tenderized meat is so much more difficult to insert...