Another definition for the latter could be: Spider Valve HD100 guitar amplifier by Line 6. You can pick these up for a song thanks to our current economic climate and also because it is made in China. But don't let China's low wage levels cast you into a vortex of guilt, because the instruction manual that's included is a doddle to understand and that's a bonus for products that are manufactured in the far east. If you happen to be in the market for such an item and you're looking for something complete with valves and effects, then you should give this a try.
Hold on...valves and effects? What rubbish is this? Aren't all proper guitarists worth their salt only supposed to be into class A amplification without bells and whistles so as to ensure a clean and natural signal path which benefits the overall tone?
It's a good job I'm not a proper guitarist and I'm here to irk the purists ('cos it's a right good laugh). Listen up all you stick-in-the-mud direct-injection wallies, you only think that nowt but valve sound is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That's probably because you are;
A. someone who mostly listens to pre-eighties music,
B. deluded or
C. an old fart.
Pull your heads out of your botties and listen to some of the convincing tones that today's world of digital modelling can offer. For those not in the know, digital modelling is the process of impersonating the sound of various vintage and popular amplifiers using software algorithms and putting it all into one neat package, saving you the hassle of having to own, and more importantly, lug around all those different and heavy amplifiers to studios and gig venues. Line 6 has been at the forefront of modelling technology for quite a while and they have an excellent track record in this field. But they've gone one further by joining up with boutique amp manufacturer Bogner, and together both companies have combined their expertise to produce the Spider series (available in head and combo units). So not only do you get a couple of 12AX7 valves in the pre-amp, you also get four 6L6 valves helping out in the power section. It's class AB to be technical and yes, it comes with quality digital effects such as reverb, delay, flange (I like that word), chorus etc - all the usual sonic flavours that should satisfy many a guitarist's pallette.
The only downside to this product is the costly pedal needed for gigs (FBV2, FBV Express or FBV Shortboard) which is available as an optional extra. They at least should include the budget version which would present this as a well built and well thought out package. (Edit from 2020: I've long since got shot of this, although I've kept the Line 6 Pod Pro for recording purposes.)
I am a, b and c I'm afraid and I didn't recognise any of the riffs.
Were there any of mine in there?
Nice amp though. Can't wait to feel how much air that sukka can shift.
With you all the IV - I'm a big fan of Line 6 gear, I got the POD 2 about 4 years ago, and it is incredible as, is the pocket pod..
Loads of Pro's are pro-Line 6
Captain Sensible
Marco Pirroni uses a Line 6 axe - check out his collection of vintage guitar goodies here (bottom clip)
I was at a recording session for Baltic Fleet's album, and they ran the keyboards through a pod 2
Nice touch bookending it with Smash It Up
Col - None of the riffs used were yours, but there are some well known ones in there, just not suvern US riffs. It can shift air alright. Click on the picture of the amp and look at the master knob on the right. I can't have it any louder than that unless I want cracks in the ceiling to appear.
PM - I've got the first Pod Pro rackmount which is all over one of my albums. Cheers for the links, I noticed Sensible had a Line 6 amp in his live set up at the last Damned gig I was at, so I thought SIU would need to be included in the demo.
Anyone else hear anymore well known riffs in the audio? There's a prize for naming all of them.
Try turning the channel volume down a bit more to give you more toned up master vol? That should save the paint.
I think Natasha may have got the wrong end of the stick..
chazza said: with you there Romo. . .Natasha should try
03457 910910. . .loads of naked knobs going spare. . Even Louis Walsh. . ;-}. . X x x
(assume Arthur Pewty voice) Could I be a pedant, and say my guitar is technically based on an Esquire?
No? Okay... I'll get me coat...
Nice Riffs Ists. It's all a bit to technical for me but I like to listen.
nice noises Ister x
Col - Turn it down?!? Why, you Philistine.
RoMo - Glad you liked the noises. I think Natasha zoomed in on the words "I", "like" and "flange", so I guess I was asking for trouble.
Howesy - Alright, alright. It's an Esquire. Happy now? I've never seen an Esquire with a pick up like that, but there ya go...
Joanne - That's it! Why would you need to know the technicalities involved in making music if you don't make music? All you need to know is that valves don't matter in this day and age.
Ist, sorry I’m unplugged thank Jasus, all that stuff would just do my head in.
Normally I avoid commenting on anything technical. This is no exception. But I thought I'd say hi anyway.
Turn it up to eleven.
I tried the combo version of this in the music shop in Bluewater before it closed... erm maybe my crap version of Crazy Train through that was the reason it was shut down... :-)
Very impressive.
I have thought about one of these, or a Fextone as a live amp if I head back onto the boards as they are reliable, programmable and hightly versatile.
If you want really loud try the HD147 head - that is simply nuts on the volume stakes!
MoMad - You're not missing anything but it's not all death metal riffs.
DH - I'm always greatful for your appearance here Dick, technical shmechnical, it's good to hear from you.
MJ - 11? But these go up to 10!
Furtheron - The HD147 is probably as ridiculously as loud as Marshall's Mode 4. There was a thrash metal gig in Penge last night with one of these amps being used at full volume. I'm sure that's what caused the volcanic eruption in Tonga.
Line sucks
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