He recently developed what the vet thought was a thyroid problem, his rear paws had swollen up and I guess it was inevitable that his last couple of days were upon us as he'd taken to hiding in the cubby hole that was underneath the telly's stage in the living room. It seemed as if he'd gone there knowing that he was going to die.
But we managed to coax him out, hoping that we could feed him and restore him back to his natural naughty self. He just had no energy left, his eyes were wide open but they weren't registering anything that was going on in front. He lay frighteningly still during his last few hours, only to give an unsettling cry of pain as we tried to turn him over to clean him up after he had messed himself.
During this morning's early hours, around 3am, he tried to stretch / contort himself in a futile attempt at shaking away the pain and with that he took his last few breaths and passed away. For all his faults, he was one of the most affectionate cats I have ever known and I'll miss snuggling up to him in bed.
God rest his little furry soul.
I'm so sorry. You even miss the dismembered birds and the poo in your slippers.
What can I say Ister, you know how sincere this is, so sorry mate...
I got misty eyes as I read you rpost mate. It reminded me of my once beloved cat 'best friend' who went in similar circumstances. In many respects you were lucky it happened at home and that you didn't have to say a last farewell before taking that long walk etc. I'm sad for you mate. I really am.
Poor kitty, he was lovely. So sorry. xxx
Awwwww...brimming up - it's terrible when they go. Big hug. XXXX
chazza said: You made me cry again (and laugh. . ), I was doing so well.
But that was the bee all and end all. . .to the tee of our 'poopie'. 0nce known, never forgotten. Boy he sure will be missed dearly. . .
Thank you Angel for 0ur babies tribute. . Lv u my babe x x x
Awww Chazza and Isti, so sorry. Losing as pet is akin to losing a family member.
chazza said: Thanks J.C. . .even though he was coming up to his 15 year in Dec:. (No one told him. . .lol). The place is really so quiet without his crys and alpha male presence. . .xXx
It's been a few years since we've had a male cat in the house. They have unique cries which I would call Gowls. We make up our own language over here.
Thanks for all the warm and heartfelt comments folks, they're much appreciated.
Group hugs all round.
Poor you. It's always sad to lose a pet.
I'll join the group hug Ist. They are so brave when they leave us....hardly a murmur.
*joins in group hug*
My old fella is 17 and I cry every time I think about the inevitable.
hugs for you both, my darlings! i'm so sorry for your loss. xoxo
(thanks for the support and kind words.)
chazza said: Thanks Savannah. . . .x x x
Once again, thanks for the good wishes.
Champ was buried in the garden near Cyril, a tame squirrel who briefly lived with us.
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