Due to the
ongoing redevelopment in Surrey Street, my local delicatessen has been demolished which means I have been left without my favourite
Pick produced Hungarian Salami. I'm having serious withdrawal symptoms as I locate eastern European grocers in vain, only to be told that they don't stock this product. I can buy it online but I like to examine a shop before buying my meat - you can't be too careful these days. Are any of my lovely readers aware of such an establishment that stocks sticks of Pick's finest? Obviously it has to be London based, preferably south, but I get nose bleeds if I venture too far north.
While we're on the subject of Hungarian food, has anyone ever had a meal at (now defunct)
The Gay Hussar? According to some reviews, that over-priced establishment made a mockery of Magyar tucker and their grub was only fit for the likes of sex tourists and politicians.
Gay Hussar - think so but years back - at least 20 and I don't remember really anything about it...
Now that's not the kind of review you get in Time Out is it... :-)
Don’t mess with the demolition man, he take your Salami and leave you with spam.
You'll have to forgive me, I am from out of town.
Sausage anyone?
PS: Thank god I’m still capable of self-censorship. I do it kindly. I’ve given up been too hard on myself- the poor bastard.
Might I suggest some Quorn bacon style rashers instead, sir?
Sorry Ist. Best I can do is an old Baltimora album. It's got Tarzan Boy on it. Would that help?
How dare those crazy Bulgars let them demolish the deli...
now who will feed the hordes of hungary Magyars?
Surely someone nearby has a small apartment full of those tasty, long haired, Mangalitsa Piggies..
you could learn how to start makin' y'er own.
And I honestly forgot how much better bands sound when they have Go-Go girls.
chazza said:
0ink. .0ink. Step away from that piggy. . .let that piggy go.
Salami. . . .NO o o o o
Roast Pork 'n' cracklin'. . . . .Yeah ! ! (With plenty of apple sauce). . §-;). . X x x
Furtheron - The Gay Hussar has been going for fifty years! Christ only knows why...
MoMad - If you're still self-censoring then you are being too hard on yourself. Let the truth flow into the blogosphere.
Joanne - No, you may not. It's salami or bust - Lol.
DH - Baltimora? 1985/86? God, I suddenly feel so old.
Donn - Crazy Bulgars? Crazy Buggers, more like. The search goes on but in the meantime, I may have to order food online and the thought of that is worrying me. Where can I order these go-go girls that you speak of?
Chazza - That piggy's had it. Your cries have fallen on deaf ears.
chazza said:
Crys?. . .never. . .Deaf ears. . .? salami. . . NO o o! !.
SPITE ROASTED. . .Yes s s. Crisp crackling. . . oh yes s s s! !.
(mutley. . . l.o.l.l. .) §;-)¤~ x x x
Yum. Salami. Have you seen this? http://www.pickmuzeum.hu/pages/index_e8.html
What about Polanka?
258 King Street,W6 0SP (020 8741 8268). There are a lot of other Eastern European deli's in Hammersmith/Chiswick due to big Polish/Hungarian/Greek orthodox community in that area. Worth a try.
PS: Ugh - you can buy it on ebay!
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