Twitter is popular in a similar way that Facebook was last year. I've always had my reservations about Facebook. Just like a dodgy religious order, it's easy to join but a hassle to leave. I've read that if you decide to delete your Facebook account, your personal information that you've typed onto your "page" is kept on their servers (unless you've deleted everything manually on your actual profile prior to terminating your membership - or so they say). Libertarians may well carp on about CCTV and Oyster cards keeping tabs on our "freedom of movement" but we're quite willing to sign up to daft networking sites that display our real names at the top of our profiles and then we proceed to inform everyone that we're going to Waitrose.
Top Tip: why not sign up using a false name?
Status: "Bruiser McHuge is playing away with Elton at The Withdean."
Hang on; MySpaz, Fartbook and Twatter - they're just a laugh, aren't they? What's that? You want to send me a virtual marijuana plant through Facebook? That's really funny. Send me a real one or nothing at all. So are these sites really pointless and daft? Horses for courses, me dearies. People keep in touch with each other through various means, some prefer hand written letters, others prefer text messages by phone. Some stick to plain email, others use Bebo. But Twitter is not just another means of communication, it's another networking site.
So when it comes to the plethora of such sites available, why do many of us sign up to more than just one? In theory, I could scrap all the sites I have an account with and just stick to MySpace as an overall solution for my web needs; it allows me to blog (goodbye Blogger), upload photos (ta-ta Flickr), post videos (cheerio YouTube) and I can even update my status (see ya later, Twitter-ator). After all, there can only be so much attention that anyone can gain by plastering themselves all over the 'net in order to get it. (Incidentally, who are these sad bastards who've Googled themselves? Bruiser McHuge, c'mon down!)
Here lies my problem and it's a worrying one. Choice is a wonderful thing, but as I get older I feel compelled to want to cut the bullshit and compartmentalise everything into one box similar to what Generalissimo Franco tried to do with most of the Iberian languages of Spain - he banned all but one. Rest assured, I shall refrain from doing so (I ain't got the power, see?) but checking for updates on all these sites means more time spent in front of a VDU instead of getting on with more important things like...like...what did we do before the internet?
If I were to delete my various online accounts, I'd have to save any work that I've already uploaded (posts, pictures, videos etc - and there's plenty of 'em), and then re-upload it all to the one site so that everything can be accessible for anyone that wants it. But I can't be bothered with all that crap, it'll only take ages which means more time spent in front of a VDU instead of getting on with more important things like...like...well, you get the picture.
So even though I've been part of it, I view Twitter as slang similar both in rhyme and meaning as to what "Gary Glitter" and "council gritter" is.
Nowt but arse.
Nowt but arse.
Ah, sounds like a mature desire to get away from com-part-men -tal-iz-ing (is there such a word) but yes, you know what I mean, and I know what you mean, come clean. Nothing hidden in your drawers…….. SNAP! …… cheek on cheek.
Mines a pint, and a small one.
I think I’ll roll another number for the road I feel unable to …….;-) ;-) ;-)
I get like this on the weekend, forgive me.
i have the facebook and the twitter, but hell sugar, i can't for the life of me remember why, nor do i remember to check them! i think the blog is enough and yes, dear, i am stepping away from my MAC and going outside for the rest of the day! i promise you xoxxo
Most of the "followers" if you notice are on-lins shopping of one sort of another.
Thank you Lord for Blogger.
chazza said:
Read an article quite recently. . Burglary is up since the generous information of its Twitters.
No doubt those twitters feel more like Twat. . .ters now. . .x x x
Me twat but been so for some time. Oh well.
MoMad - I have no idea if the word 'compartmentalize' exists, but that's the beauty of language, we can make it up as we go along.
Savvy - I too used to be a net addict, but now I am cured! Halelujah! How was that fresh air? x
Cyrano - Spammers on Twitter?! Well I never! It's Myspace all over again.
Chazza - Let that be a lesson to anyone who Twits about going to Waitrose, they may come back to an empty home.
Romo - You said it, but full marks awarded for honesty ;-p
Oh I have every account going but I hate the bloody sight of them, all the camera angles and pointing at their mouths like retard emo Doctor Evils.
I've so far avoided Twitter but sooner or later I'll go be stupid won't I...
it was more than exciting, sugar! ;)
Oh gawd I'd love to be able to shut it all down and walk away.
If I could somehow learn to contain my mental masturbations to the paltry 140 characters on my blog then I could toss my Twitter.
The Facebook thingy..hmm..if most of my peeps over there could get off of their ass and read my blog once in a while I could shut down that too. I can't be arsed to respond to all of those tedious applications...puh-leeze make it stop.
I don't know..isn't one of these things eventually going to win the hearts and minds of the cybernauts?
Please tell me it's going end somewhere..and soon...
I just can't start another thing.
Joanne - Do those emo Dr Evils still exist? I thought the new look would be 30 and 40-somethings who look so haggard because of their mammoth net sessions.
Furtheron - You'll be in popular company if you do end up biting the Twitter bullet. You could inform your thousand-and-one followers on how you've just picked your nose and wiped it on the curtain. It's worth joining just for that.
Savvy - Really? Why, what happened? Did you Tweet it, Sugar? xx
DC - Hello Donn, welcome. I guess the point I was trying to make was:
"I know that Twitter is popular but it's not for me."
There ya go. To the point and using a Twitter-friendly less-than 140 characters.
There's nothing wrong with being part of a fad if it floats your boat. However, according to some reports, Twitter is now worth an estimated $250 million. I wouldn't call that a fad had I created it.
We're all sensible adults here. None of us are slaves to the internet, are we?
chazza said: If Isti done it. . .Anyone can. Life. . oppurtunities out there. .does it for me over materialism and technolngy adult sitting me. . .lol
For all those who STRONGLY BELIEVE in the ozone layer, green house gas's etc. . .
Mines: Mains stir fried chicken. . .Dessert: fresh lemon and caster sugar.
Ist ice-cream and melted choc? X x x
Aw crap. Does this mean you're going to unfollow me?
Gerry - 'Fraid so. Besides, I can always post inane babble on blogger (I've been doing so for years), but to show there's no hard feelings, here's a link to your Twitter site in the hope you'll replace me with another follower.
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