It also features Howesy rabbiting on about Brentford FC, so it's understandable if any of you decide to give this one a miss. In spite of that, you should give this band a chance if you're unfamiliar with them, and if their pearls of wisdom fail to raise a titter then surely you are made of stone.
And now for the science part: 49.02 minutes long, 67.something megabytes worth of data and a terrific lot of fun. So, what are you waiting for?
Download now by clicking here.
Alternatively, copy and paste the following;
into your browser, press enter and it should start doing its stuff.
Dance, DANCE, Dance, DANCE!!!!
What? You consumed half a man and half a biscuit during the making of the podcast? Ooh you should be ashamed of yourselves biscuit thiefs! Downloading downloading....and about bloody time too!
chazza said: ha Rom's. . How are you hun been a while. . Has work picked up for you? Howz yours and your little man too. .did he have you making a snow man?. . Tc x x x
ps hide your buscuits when there is a Isti about. . ( :-):: lol esp lemon or choccie ones. . .
listening now..gawd love multiple windows...damn, i really do miss all ya'll! xoxoxo
Blimey didn't know they were still about...
RoMo - I had the biscuit, Howesy had the man. Allegedly.
Hope you enjoy the cast.
Savvy - We miss you too suga! x
Furtheron - Still about and better than ever! Check out their "Achtung Bono!" and "C.S.I. Ambleside" albums.
I'm off to lend an ear, and I want it back I've only got two in spit of rumors;-)
Well done Ist...just like the old days.
Loved it loved it loved it. And nearly spat my coffee across the keyboard at the elton john pavlovian farting incident.
MoMad - I O U 1 x EAR.
Dick - Cheers, we thought it'd be best to go back to our vomit, stylstically speaking.
RoMo - I'd hate to think what would happen if I was forced to attend one of Elton's gigs.
You would probably blow out his candle with your wind! x
Hurrah! I will wait til I get home to my own computer before downloading x
RoMo - Do you you think Elton will "still be standing" after the event?
Annie - Hello, I hope you enjoy the music on it. HMHB's lyrics are very clever and funny.
Nice one, I'll get that put into my earholes!
Joanne - Cheers.
71 downloads and counting. Christ.
I wonder what they thought about the music?
I am partial to a bit of HMHB meself.
You two are a good double act. I enjoyed that. Good choice of material. Any band that hates Bono is alright by me.
I coincidently subjected Mr Gillman to 99% of gargoyles look like Bob Todd on the car stereo the other day.
I don't think he's quite ready for them yet.....
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