To celebrate the recent opening of Costco's Croydon branch, the management of this blog have decided to dedicate this post to one of the best shopping environments in the known universe by displaying just a few of the many products that may be purchased from this store. Railway employees are allowed to become members of this establishment, unlike Makro. Cunts.
But hey! Enough of my yakking, let's all boogie down the aisles of consumer heaven...
1. Indulge yourself in this luxurious steam shower;

2. Chandeliers for every room in your gaff;

3. Car tyres that make lovely thick black smoke when you burn them;

4. Decorative soldiers that scare pet cats;

5. Mobility chairs for lazy bastards;

6. Jack Daniels themed hampers for the discerning drunkard;

6. Beautiful red meat to be used as ammo for throwing at vegetarians;

7. Scrummy cottage pies are served in the cafe;

8. Plenty of alcohol to wash down the scrummy cottage pies;

9. One-off custom Fender Stratocaster - a snip at just under ten grand;
10. But if you can't afford the Strat, there's always a great Costco cake for a tenner.

Don't you have to be a Mason to shop at Makro?
You wouldn't see me anywhere near Charlton, anyway.
I don't blame you, Geoff.
I managed to but The Smiths' "The Queen Is Dead" album from Makro in Valencia, Spain.
I was never a member of Makro and will never be a Mason, so I don't know what happened with their security at the time, but it gave me immense pleasure to bypass the system.
Right on!
Huzzah - the comments are back. Have you ever been to Carrefour in Spain/France? Same sorta thing - sausages as long as man's arm, and live lobsters last time I went...
i try to stay away from the big box stores here, but then again, kind a easy in savannah since we don't have a costco only sam's club which is the offspring of wal-mart.
I oddly enough have had the displeasure to go to the Charlton Makro twice in 5 years - first time for my friends wedding supplies (including rocking deck chairs for the infirm guests!) - it's amazing what they stock. I was a bit like a child going 'look! look! you cna buy a thousand sweets for 50p!. It is an over-flowing Aladdin's cave of everythingness.
PM - Yes! It's bloody massive and you can easily lose your way in Carrefour. I recall buying a huge leg of ham that they were recently selling in Lidl's for 60 quid! I'm all for great shopping experiences in large complexes so long as they provide maps to ease navigation.
Savvy - I've only been to a proper Wal-Mart once - in Bullhead City, I think. Bought some original Levi's t-shirts (made in USA - hurrah!). Wal-Mart have taken over our ASDA supermarkets although you wouldn't be able to tell, they're a silent boss.
RoMo - I borrowed a friend's membership card to get into the Charlton Makro and walked out with an entire new wardrobe, a few Ben Sherman shirts were bought (I was going through a mod period I think!). Costco's is similar but a bit more laid back in who they allow as members.
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