Small wonder he looks confused, eh readers? Not to worry though, whatever the result, win, lose or draw, Neil and the lads can relax on the long coach trip home by listening to DEPCAST 10, a brand new podcast that's been made in the location of Croydon. You too can listen in by CLICKING HERE.
UPDATE - The Damned at Brighton were fucking great. The venue was just right for them too (size-wise) and they managed to make the improv section in new song "Dark Asteroid" more interesting. Here are Froggy's pictures from that night. Cheers, Froggy.
The set list was as follows: There'll Come A Day, Neat Neat Neat, Under The Wheels, Fan Club, Dr Woofenstein, Democracy, Under The Floor Again, Love Song, Second Time Around, Shallow Diamonds, Alone Again Or, Danger To Yourself, Curtain Call, New Rose, Dark Asteroid - encore - Sanity Clause (including messed up start, most amusing), Stretcher Case, Ignite, Smash It Up & after half the crowd had left, Happy Talk.
In the meantime, I hope you all have a spiffing Chrimbo and a jolly reasonable New Year. As me old mate Stac used to say: "mind the road..."
He can pick up his IOU from the Hammers while he's there.
It's guaranteed by an Icelandic bank.
Nice one ist, a whole lot of difference I’ve not herd either.
I hate them but I need a dopamine lift, ah run to the mirror cut a line take a , O fuck I sneezed. Sorry about that……………………….
Jump into the, wha’ , I slept like a log last night I woke up in the fire place this morning………………
Happy Christmas to you
sure sure, but december is all about my birthday, sugar! :D xoxoxo
(happy christmas & happy new year to you & yours!)
Ah Sweetheart. . .Thank you. Same to u and yours. . .Savannah Any NewYears resolutions?. . . .we are December birthdayers too in our house. . .tk. . Chazza. . X x
Have a FAB Christmas with lots of treats and fun xx
PS: are the cats getting fresh turkey and new hats this year? ;-)
Have a great Xmas mate, look forward to each post !
Lets hope Palace continue the way we are going.
Will post about it but I am going to take a break next season and my brother is taking my season ticket so my guess is we are going up :-)
Romo. . lol. . .and angel delight. . .(they not so keen on Chrissy pud). . .Nothing but the best for the boyz. . .How u doing wth yr dreaded cold hun? Ahh! ! the excitement must be reaching fever pitch as Chrissy day approaches. . .and im talkin' about you. . .lol. . . Really though. . .bet your littleone cannot wait. . .Wish you, yours and yr gorg son a wonderful. . . crimbo. . .lots of lv. . Takecare. . .Chazza. . X x
Geoff - He's got a fat chance of getting a fat cheque.
MoMad - Glad you enjoyed the podcast and a very merry Xmas to you too. Keep cool this festive season. ;-)
Savvy - Happy Birthday to you, hope the birthday wishes all come true. Will there be snow in your neck of the woods this Xmas, sugar?
RoMo - The cats will be getting gamon leftovers and they better like it, as tuna is not a seasonal dish. Have a good'un, Roster - hope Squidge loves his DS (I'm sure he will).
x x
Palace Fan - With you bequeathing your season ticket away we'll either go up or down - or we'll live in mid-table mediocrety (sp?) for another 5 years. Bah humbug but a big merry xmas to you, yours and the kids for this festive season.
Thanks to Chazza for doing the secretarial replies to comments while I was away :-)
Isti: Gamon? ! !. . .not on the menu Sweetheart. . .and i'l collect sec: payment Chrissy-eve. . Only take in kind as per usual. . .lol x x
By the cringe this is getting hyperkinky. Merry Christmas to you old chap and indeed to your old chap as well as to the missus! Have a good 'un. See you soon for a bit of a guitar fest.
Merry Christmas Ist!
Vanian looks like Craig Cash in P1010982 Ister. "I just can't be happy today Barb...."
Just listening to Deptcast 10 - you've had that Nick Abadzis 'round, by the sounds of it...
I watched the Jazzin' for Blue Jean video again the other day and was pleasantly surprised to see a Crystal Palace scarf behind Bowie when he's putting on his 'Frankie says..' t-shirt. "Oooh - Bowie's an Eagles fan! I grinned to meself, only to notice a Chelsea scarf dangling behind him in the very next shot. Bloody diletante chameleons, eh?
L.u.v.in' the Darkness opener, btw..
Happy New Year
Col - Hope you had a good'un over the festering period. Get yer Yammy aht...
BatBitch - You too, you blog pornographer you...
Bob - Bowie's a Brixton boy so it stands to reason he'd be a Palace fan, geographically speaking that is.
The Royle Family's Xmas spesh was entertaining, pity that Vanian's missus can't cook for toffee.
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