Col (whose other 'arf couldn't make it due to a child nose-butting incident - hence him kindly offering me first dibs on the spare ticket, much obliged), describes this band as country acid house or summat, but I prefer the term 'Timewarp Disco with a sly nod to renegade Kinky Friedman'. Erm...well, not exactly that, but if you're a fan of The Soprano's you'll be familiar with the "Woke Up This Morning" tune (AKA "The Chosen One") which they performed just before their three encores and were joined by Mick Jones and Tony James of Carbon/Silicon on guitar duties. Why? Why not. It's quite clear that Big Audio Dynamite are a major influence on this lot. Sister Francesca Love has a fantastic set of pipes.
Mmmm, what pipes indeed.
Great group.
One of my favorite songs “The Chosen One”
Would love to see them live.
Can't have everything in life I guess.
oi. ,car. . . .hair dressers. X x
I know someone who is mad about Alabama 3 and has been to every UK gig. I've never really made an effort to find out about them - always used to see their name on handwritten flyers accompanying Dumpy's Rusty Nuts at The Clarendon in Hammersmith. Oh those were the days...
I don't know them really... I'll look em up
I've got a cousin who' a huge Alamaba fan - she's been raving for years about them. I really must check them out..
And Mick Jones/Tony James - bonus!
MoMad - Go see them if you can, they might be touring your snowy neck of the woods with a bit of luck.
Anon - Three bags full, ma'am.
RoMo - The Clarendon, yes. I think I've mentioned this before - I saw an all girl punk band there by the name of Donna and the Kebabs. Which was quite invigorating.
Furtheron - Yes, please do. Are you getting any further on with the BR600?
PM - I'm not sure as to why Mick and Tony appeared onstage with them that night. Col reckons they were ligging.
Batbitch - Hey? Hey!?! Is that your mating call for me to come and have a look at more of your 'burger' pics?
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