Venue: 12 Bar Club, Denmark Street, London.
Entertainment: Yes.
The flyer said: "£6 on the door, £5 with flyer".
Here's a tip for anyone wishing to frequent the 12 Bar club on a gig night. Take the alleyway alongside Andy's Guitars, turn left at the end and you'll see all the smokers spilling out of the venue. Go on, just walk in, the door's wide open with no one to take your entry fee. This works if it's done before 9pm.
"The 12 Bar Club features a diverse range of musical styles for visitors to enjoy in a suitably chilled out atmosphere. Live acts play regularly at the venue" - that's what one website says about the small character filled pub.
There were a number of bands on the tiny and very dangerous shaky looking stage. Here's a quick review:
Voodoo Qualities: Young Green Day / Hendrix influenced type band whose mates were moshing like they only can in the small audience space in front of the stage. I was hoping a few of them would throw themselves off the balcony for maximum effect. They sound like a million other bands but they were well received. Good luck to 'em.
Trans-Mission: Labelling themselves as psychedelic/alternative rock, this lot were embarrassingly shite. Lead singer Jamie Marshall, resplendant with long greasie hair, eye make-up, black pvc strides and feather boa proved that this was not a good look for any middle aged man. The music was painful although it sounds a bit better on their myspace site. Scrap that last thought - I've just had another listen, it's still crap. They're just not my cup of char really, although Joy Division fans might be pleased. Click on the link and make your own mind up, and don't forget to set your phasers to maximum. Oh my poor ears.
The Stabilisers: That's who I went along to see and I won't repeat myself on saying how brilliant these lot are, as I already have here and here. The microphone PA gave up the ghost on their last song but they trooped on regardless and then the fire alarm kicked in. That's what you call a hot band. I thought it added to the overall atmosphere. So it'll be same time, different venue next Saturday then, lads? Too bloody right, mate.

Lovin' 'em already.
Speaking as the female drummer in Cool to Snog please give them my number. For purely professional reasons of course.
Go the girls! Thigh boots and fender basses - yesss!
We liked the "uber-future streetwalkers" tag. We might steal that.
Do people still make up names for themselves when they join bands? I thought that had died out with big hair and those keyboards that you play like a guitar. Crazy kids.
Still, any band with more than one bass going at at time is ok in my book.
Big bottom drives me out of my mind.
Howesy - I knew you would. Who wouldn't? Perve.
Stray - "For purely professional reasons of course."
Of course, say no more. Nudge, nudge.
RoMo - It doesn't get any better than thigh boots and Fender basses...Rickenbacker basses perhaps? Oh, sod the basses, just as long as she wears thigh boots she can stand next to Patrick Moore and play the bleeding xylophone for all I care.
Titania - Are you a real Tit of Death or a Stabiliser in disguise?
JPT - What do you mean big hair has died out? That's not fair. Big up to Ned's Atomic Dustbin then?
I don't know, let me see. I'll have two tits of death a double stabiliser, a voodoo (who do you do) with a dast of - are you -experience......d, and a tincture of psychedelic rock- I just love colour.
That's entertainment, yes.
Sean, you bad lad. You should know better than to mix your entertainments.
Phoenix, Flagstaff, Winslow (standing on the corner in), Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos and back to Phoenix.
And so to 'Tits of Death'. They don't sound too bad actually...speaking as a middle-aged man with skin problems.
DH - I know what you mean mate.
"My middle-aged flaky iron nipples are so hard..."
Istvanski - yes, I really am a Tit of Death. I'm the guitarist dressed like an extra from a Russ Meyer film - next to the bass player in your pic here. Our other bassist (the one sans thigh-high boots) found your blog post, so thanks for your kind words.
Jimmy Page's Trousers - Synthia normally does play a keytar but it was misbehaving so it went in the naughty corner for the 12 Bar gig.
Anyway, 'nuff spying. Bye!
Aw, Titania don't go, you're my favourite Tit. Look, I'll even do a guitar post specially for you.
I'll try and get down to the 100 club gig.
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