Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We Live In Desperate Times!

Right Ok, it's like this; the weather is shit. It's really howling, drizzling, nastiness, the dark clouds are polluting this neck of the woods. It's just so miserable. Cheering up is what we all need. Agreed?
But good news folks, the weekend is not that far away. I'm personally hoping that the elements will drastically change for this Saturday. A little while ago, Annie & Billy tried to sort out a blogmeet / quiz type thing. Did it ever come to anything? Don't tell me everyone is apathetic just 'cos it's hurricane weather out there? Where's your bulldog spirit? Yes brothers and sisters, we've come out fighting against more adverse conditions than the ones that face us now. Are you going to answer the call to a bloody good piss up?
Or are you simply too long in the tooth?
Hot live music!
Venue - Club Fabulous at Leonard’s, 42 Northampton Road, London, EC1R 0HU
Nearest tube - Angel or Farringdon
Time & Date - 8.00pm, Saturday 19th January 2008.
Please spread the word even if you absolutely can't make it (which is no excuse really) and spread the word if you can.
I'm looking forward to seeing as many people there as poss. That means you there, hiding at the back.
Right, let's listen to some Len Price 3.


Howesy said...

Well I won't be there Ister.
Saturday is Howesy #2's 13th birthday party, and muggins has volunteered to look after the place and make sure that her lunatic friends don't come over all "let's advertise on myspace" and shit.
I'll probably be under sedation come the evening and wouldn't be the best company.
Are the Tits playing?

Istvanski said...

You've become a right sucker for Tits, haven't you Howesy?
No - you will be terrific company. This is just what you need after suffering a teenager's birthday party. I empathise, I really do. But this Saturday evening will be the antidote to lots of hours worth of McFly. Kick 'em out by six pm, look the front door behind you and make your way uptown!

Annie said...

Arses. I will now be out of town cheering on a lunatic friend who is running a marathon for fun. But will spread the word... and will come to the next one, come hell or high water...

llewtrah said...

I have Billy over here in soggy Chelmsford.

I'm all for blogmeets, but a bit limited if it's a weekday because I do early shifts (which don't mix with late nights).

Istvanski said...

Good luck with your friend's marathon Annie. I hope they manage to complete the course.
Llewtrah, hope you and Billy enjoy your soggy Chelmsford. It's not a bad town really, is it?

Blimey. How on earth am I going to get Jon and co to play "Bendy Head" now?!?

Alan said...

Never say wet till your pissed, no, hang on, what do I always say?
(Somebody shut that door it's bleedin' miserable enough)
Now where was I goin', O ye, 42 Northampton Road, London, EC1R 0HUNearest... well, I wish I could just hop on a Tube and off to the venue, but alas alas, the husky's though stalwart and true, would never make the distance.
Hope there's a good turn out, let us know how it went.
Len Price (len me the price of will ya?) my sentiments exactly.
How did you know I went under the table when you mentioned Blogmeet

rockmother said...

Thank you for offering to pay for drinks due to my skintness - judging by my previous efforts and admitting to be the lightest of lightweights I would just like to allay your fears and say you and Stu will be let off pretty lightly on the wallet stakes - a fiver should do it! Warning: No rose or white wine please - that would be a terrible waste as you know where that will end up!

Istvanski said...

Sean - "How did you know I went under the table when you mentioned Blogmeet?"
Because I heard you bash your head on the underside of the table when you went to get up the moment RoMo mentioned that the drinks were on me.

RoMo - "No rose or white wine please - that would be a terrible waste as you know where that will end up!"
So long as it's not all over my Hush Puppies, eh? Swipe still hasn't paid for the dry cleaning bill.

Alan said...

OK you got me. I'm anybodys slave for a drink.