Those luverlee peeps at The Dirty Water Club filmed the recent Stabilisers gig for everyone's perusal. I hope you've got a fast broadband connection...right, I'll shut up about this band from now on. They've told me that the cheque's in the post.
We're back from the land of no internet connection!
16 hours ago
what's this? no comments? you're not going to cop the hump and not post for a bit are you?
Not at all Mr. Howester.
Give me some time to think of something worth while (with substance) to post and once inspiration strikes I'll be polluting the internet in no time.
is it just me, sugar, or is this a retro sounding band? or am i just that damn old everything is becoming retro....(on second thought, don't answer the second part of that question)
Thinking, thinking...
That man in the foreground doesn't look very animated does he? I have never heard of the Stablisers before. Good name for a band - and they play well too!
Savvy - I like retro. Retro is good. They like that word a lot in The Dirty Water Club.
DH - Waiting, waiting...
RoMo - Do you mean the guy playing keyboards? He can't be too animated otherwise he'd hit the wrong keys.
No - the one in the audience.
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