Thursday, December 27, 2007



Alan said...

Jesus man the gear they're sellin' these days- you fall asleep and wake up a cat with one eye. Ah well, I suppose it could be worse. I hope the new year turns things around for you.

savannah said...

i am just slouching along towards my birthday, sugar...
(cute pic btw)

Howesy said...

I've just spent half an hour over at RoMo's place. I'm worn out from standing in a semi-crouched position while rubbing my thighs vigorously and maintaining a lecherous expression on my face.
Well we've all got to find our entertainment somehow...

Dick Headley said...

Not a good idea to put your cats in charge of the remote. It will be non-stop Tom & Jerry.

Istvanski said...

Sean - I think I overdosed on the catnip. They never told me it was the same strength as skunk. Happy New Year Sean!

Savvy - Thanks, and for that nice compliment I shall remember your birthday...erm, when is it again? ;-)

Howesy - You should've worn your reinforced welding pants for the rub down action.
What was that?
You did?!?

DH - He's watching re-runs of Rolf's Animal Hospital. Bloody reality TV.

rockmother said...

Is that a cat-size record player or a thermocat control? Boom boom!

Molly Bloom said...

I think the cat is asking your for another mince pie! Hop to it Ister!

Have a great time over the festive season mateyxx

Molly Bloom said...

I take it that is a cat and not a new type of iPhone.

Istvanski said...

RoMo - Ha! It's actually a record player toy. The cats love it - they press a button and music starts playing. Then, you move the actual disc thing in either direction to slow the tune down or speed it up. I think it was free with a happy meal.

Molly - That cat will have a kebab like everyone else in this household and he'll bloody well like it too.
Happy New Year to you Mollster.

Anonymous said...

kebab. . kebab..No way hozzay...

Our Benj is use to the finer things in life.

Starter. .Baxters fine soup sellection. . Main: Tuna, Sardines, hot dog sausages or the odd chicken curry going spare. For dessert his angel delight, perhaps vinilla Hargans darzzzzzz. .