Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Post Xmas Railway Medi-Screen:


llewtrah said...

They might find a corpuscle or two in my red wine stream. *hic*

Season's Greetings!

Alan said...

I'm laughing, but I do feel a little aenemic, the auld vitality's shot to shit, if you get me drift.
Still not out of the race yet though. Never say die till your dead.
What the .... am I on about I don't know.
Happy New Year istvanski.

Dick Headley said...

I'm bloated Ist...but it's OK...the existential dissatisfaction persists.

rockmother said...

I'm going Round Two - champagne, red wine, duck, spinach and mash then christmas pud and/or mince pies, brandy butter and/or thick double cream and then oatcakes and fine stilton THEN chilled After Eights THEN more booze. Just in case you were wondering I am entertaining two friends - it's not jsut me eating all that!

rockmother said...

Hic - just I mean!

savannah said...

here's to drinking, sugar! all very civilized, too ;-)

Istvanski said...

Llewtrah - Season's Greetings to you too!

Sean - As long as you have strength to lift the glass to your lips, then you ain't dead. Happy New Year Sean.

DH - You need more to quench that thirst Dick. It's the only way to counteract the existential dissatisfaction.

RoMo - That's quite a list of goodies that you're working through...oops, sorry, I mean you and your mates.
*She must think that I was born yesterday, eh readers?*

Savvy - I'll drink to that!