If you're old enough, then you may recall Bill Grundy presenting a short one-off programme called "Abolish Christmas" which was broadcast on Christmas Eve in 1981, with him covering all the reasons why he sympathised with Ebenezer Scrooge. Even at a young age, I ended up agreeing with most of what he said. The total waste created by the sheer commerciality of the festive season is getting harder to stomach with each passing year. Sure, children's happy faces as they unwrap their presents are priceless, but having to fake greatfulness for something you've received that you don't actually need?
Over the years, a traditional Christmas has been presented as a family orientated pastime. A special time for loved ones to get together so that they can make a truce for a day or two before reverting to non-speaking terms for the rest of the year. Doing Christmassy things like going to church for Xmas mass when perhaps you should be going on a more regular basis, burning / under-cooking the turkey, watching the Bond film (old Viz joke) and falling asleep on the sofa as you try and will the hours to whiz by whilst looking forward to the Boxing Day footie. Or not.
There are people that spend Christmas on their own. Of those that do, some are made to feel more lonely for that day simply because of the way Xmas is presented to them by the media. So many people get suckered into that. I once spent Christmas on my own when I couldn't get a plane to see my parents. I was dreading it, but when it came, I took a walk down the high street to find my local cafe was open for business. I went in an ordered a fry up just like I would've on any other day. I can't recall what I did for the rest of it, but it seemed like a normal, run-of-the-mill day. No big deal. What was all the fuss about?
But it's not just holidays like Christmas or Easter that can prey on the insecurities of the lonesome. New Years Eve and especially Valentine's Day can feel extra miserable for singletons. Because of all the media / commercial hoo-ha that you simply can't get away from, the feeling of isolation can be hightened at those moments. Loneliness is that strong an emotion because, as humans, we are sociable beings. I recall watching an old black and white episode of The Twilight Zone about a victim of a US military experiment that was induced into sleep where he was made to lucidly dream that he was the only person in a deserted town. It drove him mad. Sometimes I think today's media is driving some people down the same road by portraying celebrating groups of happy, like-minded souls all making merry together when for the rest of the year they could be at each other's throats, not wanting to piss on a neighbour if he / she was being burnt to a crisp.
Programmes highlighting the plights of carers, volunteers and hospital staff seem to be extra popular at Christmas time for some reason. Maybe it's because the hightened holiday sentimentality is more receptive to this type of broadcasting. Viewers who don't normally give a flying fuck suddenly become emphatic or grief stricken with what's transmitted on the 25th. Bizarre. How on earth can mentalities be changed like that? Why do employees constantly regret the Xmas office party? What makes them behave the way they do? Or is any holiday season simply a licence for anyone to turn into a prat? I must've bypassed the 18-30 brigade somewhere along the line, as it's all quite incomprehensible to me. I used to get off me 'ead every hour of the waking day - I didn't need an excuse.
That's why I liken these type of festivities to ongoing house rennovations. You do a bit of decorating, rest for a bit, and then you do some more. Likewise with holidays, you go through one, rest for a bit, and soon enough another festival comes along. Stress by numbers, where the numbers are dates in the diary. 'Tis the season to be humbug.
The above picture is where I normally do my recording. I'm not doing any hobby based activity at the moment, 'cos I'm in the process of decorating it. It's slowly getting there. I'd like to have it finished by Xmas, but then I'll have another room to decorate. The ongoing nature of all this automatically stagnates my mind into a state of procrastination.
Oh, for a Fortress of Solitude.
Have a cool Xmas everyone!
Well, there must be more to livin' than a mortgage, and a lawn to mow- as the song goes.
Ahhhhh, but Superman ain't a real man; not well rounded.
I don't really know what to think about Christmas, I did once upon a time hate it all-and-sundry, but as I get older I really don't know how to take it. I just sit around with me bugle in me ear, a little shell-shocked so-to-speak, hopin' nobody shouts too loud into it or pulls a cracker when I'm not looking.
Funny you should mention pissin' on you neighbour- a Christmas eve or two ago, while smokin' a joint with a neighbour, who decided to try out plump pudding to see what I thought of it- I told him not to but he insisted on a taste, and the fool set himself alight, he must have poured half a bottle of Bushmills over it. His wife ran, and I tried to piss on him, but nothin' came out- the prostate, you know. When the wife came back with the extinguisher, all she saw was me standing over him gruntin' and groanin'- she screamed, and the son burst in from the kitchen.
"You dirty bastard you," he said, grabed me bugle and all and head first out the door I went. I've never been the same, and they've never spoken to me since. Sure as you say they probably wouldn't have anyway. Yes, Christmas.
Thanks istvanski for the Christmas wishes. You know I'll definitely have a cooler than most Christmas for obvious reasons. I've all me drink and drugs nearly stocked up. I'll have a pipe and raise a glass to you on the day, but I will drop in again before that if I may, and no plump-pudding. I gave it up. I swore I never touch it again;-);-)
I am an idiot, I know.
I've just declined invites to Xmas with parents and with sister. I really need some "me time". I can use the day for catching up on stuff, washing the car etc.
Well you are very tidy I can say that! Seanster - you are funny. And I am half-cut - it's all Bob Swipe's fault you know.
The worst thing about being alone on Christmas Day is having to hear that bloody Mud song in your head.
Oh yes matey, the gig was a great success.
We were, in the words of the late, great Queen Mother, 'F**KING WICKED'.
The sore throat and snotty nose never stopped me before and weren't going to this time.
Hello Stuey - Happy Christmas! Hope you have a lovely holiday. Are you going to be helping Ister lay some more flooring?!!
Sean - There is more to livin' than paying a mortgage and a lawn to mow, I'm sure of it. Does anybody know what it is? That was a killer neighbour anecdote, Sean. I couldn't stop laughing, I split my sides - just like RoMo's goldfish...Hope things are well with you in Finland - have a great holiday.
Llewtrah - A lot of people are deciding not to see relatives over the festive season for various reasons. Hope you end up having some quality "you time".
RoMo - Me? Tidy?!? You should see the rest of the gaff...it's something I wish I could blame on Bob, but ultimately I am responsible for my own mess.
Geoff - Any xmas song in your head is bad enough. Perhaps "Lonely This Christmas" was played on the radio shortly before drummer Dave Mount took his own life on Saturday 2 December 2006. Merry Xmas from everyone at The Carlshalton Chronicles.
Stu - I'm sure Liz Windsor would've said "Fahking blinding shindig" if she was at the gig. I'm glad it went well but have you recovered from the snot attack?
RoMo - Stu promised he would help that time when he was shitfaced...
The worst thing about Christmas Day is knowing that a week later it'll be New Year's Eve, which is even worse. I've had some disgustingly bleak New Year's Eves. Come to think of it, it's even bleak these days - falling asleep during Jools Hollands Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Pub Rock Hootenanny :(
Oh no. Not Hooteboogiewoogietime. We deserve better. How about listening to The Stabilisers version of Jona Lewie's "Stop The Cavalry"?
Just checked out The Stabilisers on mySpace- your space that is- nice tight band.
I get dizzy when I go to MySpace. I know a few people who do it.
Literally space (when you compare it to a blog) there's so much on the page ........ I've no idea what to do next.
It's for the kids innit.
You have mail.
So have you.
Nollaig faoi shéan is faoi mhaise duit.
DH - It could be a totally different story if it weren't for those meddling kids...
Bock - A prosperous and enjoyable Christmas to you too Mr Bock!
feliz navidad, sugar..and remember...measure twice, cut once!
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