I'm looking forward to these items arriving through the post. They shall proudly reside on the bookshelf and compliment other noted titles such as "How it works: Simon Cowell", "Sarah's mummy is a MILF" and "Daddy works in a brothel". Everybody needs a worthwhile hobby. If only the kids of today would focus on collecting these precious books, then modern families would not be so dysfunctional.
UPDATE: Howesy says I've got too much time on my hands. Pah! What would he know?
Have a good weekend folks!
Have you got "Janet does John"?
No, but I do have this.
Also, for an ideal relaxing read on your next fishing trip, try this.
Or if you're in a naughty mood.
Books on family care, perhaps?
Here's a good read about catwalk models.
A good travel guide or two.
Learn a foreign language with this.
All you need to know about legalise.
Hours of fun.
How to be a dad.
You know what a big music fan I am.
I love a good biography or two.
One for the Watford FC fans.
You can't beat a good horror.
Better than watching Eastenders.
Mate, you have definitely got too much time on yer 'ands...
Well we thought we couldn't, but it seems we bloody well can can.
Where the fuck do you find these things?
I found that most amusing.
That little film is HILARIOUS. It's gone down well at Romo Towers and yes - I agree - you have FAR too much time on your hands!
........ Sarah's Mum's a member of Moro Islamic Liberation Front, a little heavy goin' I'd say.
I suppose whatever you're into. I can't talk.
"It's Grimsby down south".
I have now- I had to look it up.
Maybe I'll go fishing Grimsby way someday; sounds a bit grim to me.
I definitely couldn't live there with my bi-polar condition. I had to move where I'd be close to one pole so here I am near the north.
Y;-) Paddy/Sean/Robin
Howesy & RoMo - We all look quite supple on our feet, don't we? AND we all wore clean under-garments by the looks of things (except for Bill who ended up wearing Barnesy's y-fronts for a bet).
Paddy/Sean/Robin - Nice line of names you're peddling there.
"I had to move where I'd be close to one pole so here I am near the north".
I take it this was a move from Ire to the Artic? From one greenland to another? But you're in Finland aren't you? Or do you just "get around a bit" like Leggy Mountbatten?
Thank you Istvanski. Seems I have some reading to catch up on.
What little film? Did I miss something? I demand clarification!
Louis - I take it - no he's a bit all over the place, a case you could say of Grim-s-by by, no cod-ding.
You can still hear his song on the water-way: "Goin' fishin' ..."
Yes Finland for my sin-s, that's why I encourage everyone to sin as much as they possibly can when they're young: you'll pay one way or the other. There are people living up here godly souls and they're freezing their ass off just as much as I am.
Cool man, rock on. I love it
Dick - The little film is under the update of this post. Is it not showing up on your browser?
Sean - It's hell on earth, so sin away and bring those warm flames forth. Finland needs heating up.
wow, sugar..i thought i'd left you a comment, but seems i didn't anyway glad you're keeping us all abreast of the latest in literature! ;-)
(thanks for stopping by and leaving a card!)
Dunno if you recall about 20 years back when schools were going to have books that helped kids cope hospital visits etc. It was supposed to along the lines of "Jane Goes To Hospital" or "John Breaks His Leg".
One of the wits (might have been Coren or a similar witty broadcaster) came up with their suggestions. The only one I remember is "Jane Has Non-Specific Urethritis"
Savvy - Anytime, Sugar.
Llewtrah - I don't remember this happening 20 years ago, I was probably living abroad at the time. But that title "Jane Has Non-Specific Urethritis" is making me chuckle loads.
All I get is a little grey box called 'cancel'. I'm clicking on it as hard as I can but nothing happens.
Well I'm not sure why you can't access it DH.
However, if you go to Bob's myspace site (myspace.com/robertaswipe), scroll down and you'll find it in his comments section dated 30th November. The film takes a wee while to load though.
Failing that, I can email it to you.
Same problem there. Just a grey box. You must have another link no? You can email me at headley @ gmail.com (spaces to confuse saboteurs) or just tell me to get a life.
Got it!!! Wow that rockmum can dance!
You should see her do the Charleston with Bob Swipe!
I think we all should.
Bravo sir!
Very amusing.
I see you're using your leave wisely!
I apologise for the lateness of my comment, but I have only seen these clips for the first time this very evening and highly amused I am. Most excellent! Thanks to "Howesey" with whom I had the pleasure of an ale or two a few hours ago and who prompted me to view again: I think on previous viewings of this fine Blog entry my Parental Control software must have blocked the link.
Pip pip!
Have I missed the show? Shit.
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