Sunday, December 09, 2007

Bethnal Gangrene

There ain't no stoppin' that Amy Swinehouse, is there? Not only has she delved deeper into the quagmire that is British Stoner Pop by getting aquainted with ver 'man' Doherty, but she's actually befriended Paris Hilton's pet chihuahua. Look at the state of looks like something out of a Ren & Stimpy out-take.

How the bloody hell did it come to this? We're all aware of how pet pooches can be trained to carry useful things like wallets, purses, slippers and newspapers, but hyperdermic needles? Something's gone so wrong here. Not that Paris cares, she's too busy in prison / filming a new sex scene / fighting with Nicole. She probably doesn't even realise that her own pooch is residing within easy reach of a pie and mash shop.

If rock stars want to fuck themselves up, then they should go right ahead. After all, it's only the romantic thing to do with these hard touring species of the human race. You pick up a guitar, write some songs, get noticed, make money and burn out. Then it'll be down to a muso journalist to write the biography about yet another talented wastrel that's planted themselves under the daisies. But let's not be a bad influence on these poor pets.

All because of the pressure involved in a house move.

So, just remember the following truths - for a stress free life:
1. You cannot touch all your teeth with your tongue
2. All idiots, after reading the first truth, try it
3. The first truth is a lie
4. You're smiling now because you're an idiot
5. How about you get off this blog and do something more productive?
6. You've still got a stupid grin on your face.


Alan said...

Yep, I was tempted I have to admit, but I just remembered. I lost half my tongue on a lamp-post a couple of years back. I just had to try it.
The dog. I don't know, it's a good ploy though, getting the chihuahua/dog to carry, and with eyes like that you'd fool most sayin' the dog was the one with habit, but you and I, and the fuzz know he's to small to carry a monkey.
Yep, "money for nothin' and the chicks for free" ;-) ;-) ;-)
Shit I can't get that grin off me face, your right. I think I'll go down to the cellar, and headbutt a few concrete tiles off the wall for a while.
"Did anyone see a little plastic rap, there's about a quarter in it, it was here just a minute ago. The what, the dog, jesus I was just talking about a dog, get the rat, which way did he go ........ I can't.....

Dick Headley said...

Amy will be fine as soon as mum gets her back on chicken soup.

savannah said...

bless your heart

(thanks for the laughs, sugar, not even noon here and it's a hellish day with no hope of improving!)

Istvanski said...

Sean - You lost half your tongue on a lampost? You'll have to remember to take the anti-freeze next time, won't you! ;-P

DH - Only the fabled miracle cure of Vanessa Feltz's chicken soup will make her better.

Savvy - Bless you too sugah - and it must've improved by now? :)

Alan said...

Vanessa Feltz's the "Blond Bomb"
I bet she uses Cambpells.

Anonymous said...

dang! i did it - of course

Betty said...

Having to be nursed by Vanessa Feltz would drive me to heroin addiction, so I dread to think what it would do to someone in such a frail mental state as Amy.

Meanwhile, Blake, Fielder, Civil, has apparently been taking acting lessons in jail. I look forward to seeing him in Eastenders in the near future.

Alan said...

Jesus Istvanski, everytime I come around here I swere, that dog is doin' me head in. He's beginning to remind me of Boris Karloff after an extreme make over;-) ;-)
Have a good weekend man.

Istvanski said...

Sean - Meatballs?

RG - I knew you would.

Betty - Blake, Fielder & Civil...sounds like a law firm. He'll need a good one.

Sean - You'll soon get used to the horrible sights around here. It's a good job you haven't read my past posts on Iain Dowie.