Saturday, May 12, 2007

Schizocast! Here!! Now!!!

The on-going Croydon Chronicles birthday celebrations are still in full swing here at Istvanski towers. To show all our beloved readers exactly what we think of them, we've decided to record a special Depcast in honour of all the visitors that have passed through here on their merry journey through life. Special thanks go to all the regulars of course, and while we're just starting to chill out at about seven a.m. this morning (that toilet duck don't arf keep ya going), we hope you'll enjoy the cast and have an even more enjoyable weekend. We love ya all!


savannah said...

WOW, WOW, WOW! how cool was that depcast? i had it on in the background as i was working..and then, was all about you! had to stop and just grove with the music...outstanding, sugar!
*do it again, darlin* ;)

Istvanski said...

Cheers Savannah.

(Sorry 'bout dat Shoogah, I'm always getting in the way of other people's enjoyment!)

The podcast is intended to be more about the music than me. It's always preferable to do a pod with someone else as I've done in the past - it's more fun too.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

savannah said...

you weren't in the way at all, really was all about the music ( i had meant to write groove, not grove..i was excited ) btw, great voice

Dick Headley said...

Lovely party....thanks for the invite.

rockmother said...

I could only listen to half of it - it's outstanding and made me laugh - alot. Angel Witch - ha ha ha. Very good. Very 80's. Very me. And I love the schizo-stylie - works brilliantly. You are so clever and funny. I've been meaning to play some Chas and Dave for ages. Will listen to the rest later.x

rockmother said...

PS: Thank god for Duck de Toilette!

Istvanski said...

DH - Help yourself to the canapes.

RoMo - Cheers Roster. Didn't we tell you that Angel Witch were superb, eh? Their 1st album is fantastic, all the rest of them are shite. Classic stuff though. And thanks for the plug over on yours (what's happened to your comments access?). Those reviews are very humbling! :0) x

rockmother said...

I don't know what's happened to my comments - I think they have been corrupted by the youtube link. Might try and publish again - Blogger's so dull when it doesn't work properly. Was in the supermarket hovering over the Toilet Duck about an hour ago trying to take a photo of it for you but kept getting funny looks so aborted the mission! And then I realised - what 'AM' I doing - this is ridiculous??! Ha ha x

rockmother said...

Changed it - there's something much better up there now - on my blog - oh you know what I mean! Comments mended with different clip which you might like.

Istvanski said...

"there's something much better up there now"

I wouldn't put toilet duck up there if I were you.

rockmother said...

God - it's like the Derek and Clive Joan Crawford sketch round here isn't it? Lobster anyone?

Istvanski said...

You can always move over nearer to us Savannah. And bring that sunshine with you.

Howesy said...

goshdarnit, have been so busy, I've missed a 'cast. was it live? did you record it? was M O'R finally binned? Shall we all club together to get Savannah over to stay? How much should a hamster weigh? Is there life in Stray Photon's hair? Does Cilit Bang do what it says on the bottle?
Do I need help?

rockmother said...

I've got some airmiles to add to the Get Savannah Over Here Fund. Virgin and BA. Come on Sav - x

llewtrah said...

oooh - must download it tonight when I get home!

savannah said...

ya'll are too kind! so next time i'm in london, ya'll are buying, right? :)

rockmother said...

Yes - for sure!

Istvanski said...

Have you ever tried our pie'n'mash?
It's a London delicacy.

You eat the pie.
You eat the mash.

The eel sauce is then used as a bleach substitute...y'know? For tie-dye t-shirts.

savannah said...

never had that particular dish, sugar...but i do know a great pub over in kensington..the hansom cab..great food, too..does that count?

Istvanski said...

The Hansom Cab - is that a type of mobile a taxi?

rockmother said...

Like Martin Landau (Mr Open Top Carriage)in Space 1999.

savannah said...

no, but if you hum a few bars, i might...

Istvanski said...

Please don't remind me of Space 1999. I have serious mental scarring from having to wear those awful/actual crimplene costumes from that TV show for gigs.

rockmother said...

Oh yes! That sounds splendid.

Hang on - what?

savannah said...

you wore a costume? you naughty man!

Howesy said...

Is that why you wander round Croydon in a Wookie suit?

Istvanski said...

RoMo - Are you suggesting that Martin Landrover is handsome in his Spaz 1999 outfit or out of it (I'm not for one minute suggesting he takes illegal intoxicants)?

Savannah - I always try my best to accomodate.

Howesy - Yes.

rockmother said...

No - Martin Robin Reliant in Spacca'99 wasn't that attractive but the thought of you in a nasty nylon 70's space rock suit sounded both hilarious and shocking all at the same time and I would like to see a photo. Martin Landau - last heard of at Toilet Duck Anonymous I think. There's more people abusing it than you realise you know....x

Istvanski said...

Wow! I knew I recognised that shy bloke sitting quietly in the corner at that last TDA meeting we had. It was Martin Mondeo all along!

savannah said...

will there be a shout out on the next depcast? *wondering*

rockmother said...

Weird, I've already earmarked one for you on mine Savannah.

So, that picture of the suit Ister?

savannah said...

way cool, r-mum...i'm excited! and looking for a hollywood curls pic *yuk, yuk, yuk*

rockmother said...

Ooh - it's like a drop-in centre here isn't it? Cup of tea and a custard cream anyone?

Istvanski said...

Savvy - You'll get a shoutout for sure once I get around to doing the next Depcast. Any requests?

RoMo - You'll have to be patient, as I need to search the gaff for the mugshots that will have all the readers running away in droves. I'll be as hasty as possible.

rockmother said...

Precisely - I might have to put mine up on the munterspace blog - that way I won't damage my already rather self-inflicted louche reputation. You can guest on there too if you want - that way we are both home and dry. No one will ever know!

Istvanski said...

Oh no you don't, it's got to be on Blogger. That was part of the dare (which I forgot to tell you about).

Mind you, I did think of putting it up on Munterspace, but that's just chickening out. So, if you are insistent about posting your pic on myspace I shall go around telling all your readers to go there.


savannah said...

i'll leave the selection to you :D you're the dj!

rockmother said...

Ister - no you wombat! My Munterspace 'Munter of The Week on Blogger - not THE munterspazz - heavens above - it's bad enough as it is what with Howesey procuring me for more Blondie t-shirt avatar action!

Howesy said...


Istvanski said...

Savvy - I shall see what tuneful ditties lurk in my errant vaults, and I'll pick a song that celebrates the beauty of a southern belle. Are you up for a bit of Kinky Friedman?

Careful RoMo...Howesy's had more pub land-ladies than you've had hot dinners. He had to make up for lost time you see as Ziggy had his hands full with prime Basingstoke groupies.

rockmother said...

Exactly - why do you think I only put the picture up for 24 hrs?!

savannah said...

i'm laughing here...the texas boy wanna be governor? if you're talking texas, sugar..i'm more a lyle lovett, willie nelson kinda gal...

Istvanski said...

RoMo - 24 hours is pushing it a little. Be careful, I last saw Howesy in a Twickenham T-shirt shop. They had to get the fire brigade to prise him out of there.

Savvy - That's the guy, Friedman for office anytime!
He can write his manifesto with ease, he's been a murder / mystery writer for years.

Howesy said...

In a Twickenham T-shirt shop?
With hand-fulls of readies and a large selection of vintage t-shirts 2 sizes too small?
With my reputation?

Perlease Ister. You know my bail conditions would never allow such a thing.

rockmother said...

As Shaun Ryder once gurned:

"Cyall the cops"!

savannah said...

*looking for my american's guide to the english psyche and cultural conversational references*

Istvanski said...

Savvy - What does the guide to the english psyche and cultural conversational references tell us about male armpit shaving? I'd really like to know.

RoMo - Shaun didn't mean what he yelled. At the time he said it he was "...very...very...stoned". He'll make a fine Rowley Birkin in 30 years time if he ever gets that far.

Howesy - Are you still wearing that tracking bracelet around your ankles?

savannah said...

"male armpit shaving has become standard practice amongst members of the entertainment indusrty (specific industry not mentioned) to avoid the appearance of sweaty pits and/or tangled masses of unkempt hair when the arms are raised or said pits are visible. generally considered to be an affectation associated with men who wear funny hats"

there was more, but it seems to be less and less appealing as i read on....anything else?

Istvanski said...

Yes please Savvy, can you give me a good tip for the 2.30 at Kempton Park?

savannah said...

that's not in the guide, sugar :D

Howesy said...

"the 2.30 at Kempton Park"? Doesn't that leave from platform 1?

rockmother said...

Toilet Duck - 16-bum - sure to win. I'm putting a tenner each end!

Istvanski said...

The arse end and the bell end?

That's toilet humour for you.

savannah said...
