Monday, May 14, 2007

Attention Dee Rangers!


savannah said...

posting here cos i'm too lazy to scroll down 40 on the other post... carry on as you were

Istvanski said...

Scrolling down 40 posts is great excersise for your forefinger. So get back over there.

rockmother said...

Ister - have you gone on a sudden health kick? Pushbike? Fore-fingers?

savannah said...


Istvanski said...

Those forefingers need to be strong enough to work the brakes on the pushbike. I nearly crashed into a barrier that was in Asda's car park last night.
Those forefingers come in handy.

rockmother said...

Ouch! Could have been nasty.

Dick Headley said...

Far too many forefingers around these days. They should all be sent back where they came from.

Istvanski said...

Dick - What's happened to the comments section on your syrup-wearing mice post? RoMo's also had probs with a lack of comments link with her posts too.

What gives?

rockmother said...

Pah! Blogger won't allow comments - perhaps due to the proliferation of tie-dye and crimplene and appalling baseball capwear! Oh my god - that was incredible. You write really well I felt like I was there - it was hilarious. I love Stu's observation about the countryside being boring at night. Classic. And er is that you with hair and really bad dress sense? More stories and pictures from the Vaults of Vanski please.

PS: I worked on two or three music videos c.1992 for Thunder. The main one I remember (Low Life In High Places - I think..) we put them up on the roof of Spillers Mills (Isle of Dogs) and recreated Apocolypse Now by organising three black helicopters to creep up as close as they could up the side of the building and then swoop over the band (and us) as low as possible while they played live - very loud very rock. Wouldn't be allowed now - it was very dangerous. Those were the days. And for the record, Thunder were really nice but very ordinary - hardly Motley Crue or anyone of that ilk. Goodness - what a long response. How much more can I say and witter on about. It's because the FA cup final is sooooooo dull - ooh - there was nearly a Scholes goal. No. Oooh - Motty's woken up and suddenly decided it's interesting. I have to watch the game otherwise my brother's will ex-communicate me from the family. Ferrea, Michel, it comes again. Challenge by Brown and header...Ronaldo........oh Rooney!!!....fell over because he is too fat to run anymore. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Luv on ya as Swipety Swipe would say x

savannah said...

wow, dude...i couldnt comment on you latest a message that said "sorry, we're unable to fulfill your request" (nevermind, i see, r-mum had he same problem...)

you have an incredible memory and a fantastic narrative style! delish pics, too, sugar! :D i wasn't doing anything exciting in '92 *sigh*

savannah said...

great name: carbon silcon...i liked their explanation of same

rockmother said...

Gary Crowley hasn't changed a bit. Do you remember White Light - that music tv show - for the 'KIDS' that he used to present? I watched it religiously and Revolver with Peter Cook - brilliant. Jones and James were and still are the best. Didn't know about their new venture. Thanks. Comments still all boogered by the way.

Istvanski said...

RoMo - Thunder where a good band in all fairness, but they never tickled me musically. A bit too AOR for my tastes. I remember "Low Life in High Places" quite well, it was definately of the period when it comes to rock music of the time. Glad you liked the post - I certainly enjoyed re-living that whole weekend. It wasn't one of the wilder ones we had, but it was good fun. Yes, that is me with hair and really bad dress sense. I hope you're going to keep up with your end of the bargain, c'mon get those poodlehead pics up there. Peter Cook was the host of Revolver wasn't he. I'm not too sure, bit before my time...
;-P x

Savvy - If you weren't doing anything exciting in '92, then I hope you've made up for it since. The simple reason why I remember that particular weekend is 'cos I was the driver, therefore I had to be sober.

savannah said...

yes, i have...and often.

savannah said...

please to explain the jif, howesy, jda ..i am confused..and that is not a good thing..for me anyway..i explained it over at howesy's ...


rockmother said...

I need to go to my mum's for poodlehead pics - I had a good trawl round the loft the other day and couldn't find any although - as I said - I did destroy alot around that time but I will do my best. If not - then I will put up something just as bad like me dressed as Morticia Adams in a homemade dress so tight I tottered like a geisha all night and had to be levered in and out of a minicab by two people (one at each end) as I couldn't physically bend! I have never laughed so much in my life. And neither have my friends!

savannah said...

soooooo, guess what i saw today? this show on the travel channel (i was recovering from the weekend) anyway...this guy andrew zimmern has a show called bizzare foods...and he was in the u.k.....went to the east end and guess what he had? pie & mash and then, eels in a green sauce...the meat pies looked really good..and i love mashed potatoes...i think the name of the restaurant was f. goode or something... :D

rockmother said...

Ohmygod I've just seen the bouncy lady! If I was a man I'm not sure I'd like that. I'm leaving this den of iniquity and going back to work and a nice cup of tea.

savannah said...

damn..that had to hurt on sooo many levels...where do you find these clips, sugar?

Istvanski said...

RoMo - Any luck on the bad hair day pictures yet? Howesy and I have hired a stand up comedian as a warm up for the main poodlehead act. C'mon, surely they can't be as bad as the bouncy lady?

Savvy - Pie'n'mash? Bizarre?!?
It's normal fodder round these here parts. The east end of London has many of these pie'n'mash eateries, but you'll find the best ones in Tooting and Croydon. I've never eaten an eel in my life...just thought I'd better mention that.

If you type in "Funny GIFS" into Google, you'll be spoiled for choice when it comes to animated pictures. Happy hunting!

rockmother said...

No - no time. Will do when I can. Nothing is as bad as the Bouncy Lady! Oh actually there is - Bouncy lady bouncing ontop of Dowie pubehead - bleargh.

savannah said...

awwwww geeezzz, r-mum..did you HAVE say that? i've got THAT image floating!!

*think of something else...noooooo, it isn't working*

Istvanski said...

Yeah, stoppit RoMo.
Savvy's getting turned on by that image of bouncy lady & Dowie together. She'll end up writing a blog like GWAOTM.

savannah said...

stopitstopitstopit!!!! ya'll aint right!

(yeah, i read dh's blog today, too)

rockmother said...

Oh - you all love it really! x