Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Is That The Time Already?

You're kidding me? As long as that? Gawd blimey, missus! Ahem...sorry, I was just talking to myself there. As I've been going through this chronic chronicle searching for the odd broken link (yep, too much time on my hands again), I've realised that I actually started this blogging lark a year ago. It's one year older but it certainly ain't wiser. Other bloggers have come and gone since then and although we all miss the Blogger absentees (Molly, Dick Headley & Jif) we welcome newer additions to the group such as Savannah and, erm...Howesy.

This anniversary of sorts has caught up with me quicker than I thought it would, so I've not had time to prepare a celebratory post. Instead, I'll wait until June which is when I actually started posting on (I first started over on MunterSpace). I'm waiting to get my VHS machine back from the repair shop as I'll need it to transfer a 'special' bit of footage of the person that inspired me to blog in the first place.

As for the picture above, it has nothing to do with the text...I just thought it was funny. Remember folks - money can't buy you happiness. What's that? Oh, apparently Hugh Hefner disagrees with that last statement.


savannah said...

thank you and an early celebratory drink to you sir!

(dick headly isnt REALLY gone forever, is he?)

Howesy said...


What a splendid first name.

rockmother said...

Happy Bidet - Dick Headley's gone sailing for 2 weeks apparently.

Istvanski said...

Sav - Cheers.

Howesy - erm...cheers.

RoMo - Cheers. Headley's deffo coming back is he? Good stuff.

Geoff said...

Happy birthday.

I think Benitez is indicating the number of first team players he picked for the match with Fulham.

rockmother said...

Re: Dickley - yes - as far as I know

rockmother said...

It's the Rockmother 3rd year blogbirthday on the 13th - keep your diaries free - all presents welcome.

Betty said...

Many happy returns.

Your round, is it?

Billy said...

Well done on the year. Is there going to be a party?

Istvanski said...

Geoff - Thanks. I don't think Rafa's trying to hail a cab back to Valencia, do you?

Betty - Sure is, what's yer poison?

Billy - Thanks, mate. Party's round at RoMo's on the 13th.

rockmother said...

Cheers - have a nice cold double rum and coke on me. Chin chin.x

rockmother said...

Or was it JD? Oh sod it - have a beer!

Istvanski said...

JD & Coke thanks RoMo.
It's the elixir of life itself.x

rockmother said...

Oh god - I've just seen the shagging puke-eating dog at the top of your page - I might have to go and be sick myself.

Istvanski said...

I was just making a point that a dog will always go back to it's vomit. It's a good thing you're not getting turned on by it - otherwise you'd be weird.

rockmother said...

Are you telling me there are people out there that would find that erotic. I might have to go and barf again!

savannah said...

jack and coke..outstanding! ya'll would fit in jes fine heah, sugar!

*cone of silence re the hurling dog*

Istvanski said...

Cone of silence?

Is that another name for those pointy pimientos?

savannah said...

just saw your response re the cone of in holding my arms over my head, fingertips touching and i can't hear you going on aboiut the regurgitating dog..or anything else that me say "ewwwww" ...didn't yall ever see saturday night live?

savannah said...

i was writng in english...but it came out as some sort of gibberish...missing words, etc...i think i'm sleepy...g'night :)

Istvanski said...

G'night Sav. Sleep tight.