Friday, May 04, 2007

Bea Side Baby

It was really nice of Bea to visit last night. Bless her, you'd think with all the attention she gets from the press she'd be very uptight, watching her every step. But no, she's laid back and as you can see in the picture she's still managing to look alert and composed after consuming 14 pints of Stella (yes - Paul's daughter was there too). We ordered a double doner for a late snack and Bea tucked in ravenously, no doubt she had worked up a healthy appetite and she devoured her rat's handbag before you could say "who wants my chillies?". After a few strong black coffees, we bade each other farewell and I loaned her my GPS so that she could make her way back to her mam's behind (most of which, I learned later, remains unchartered territory - so much for the GPS).
Gawd bless 'em one'n'all!


rockmother said...

Looks like another candidate for 'munter of the week' - closely followed by Kelly Osborne - again!

Betty said...

With parents like hers it's inevitable. I'm surprised she wasn't an alcoholic by the age of ten really.

rockmother said...

Or bulimic. Or both.

Istvanski said...

RoMo - I'd go one further and award her with 'Munter of the Month' - just because Fergie (Munter of the Year, 1989) is her mum.

Betty - Are you referring to Bea or Kelly?

Howesy said...

Bertie Bassett went to the doctors, dropped his trousers, and displayed his member covered in liquorice and hundreds n thousands. The doctor said "what have you been up to Bertie?"
and Bertie said "fucking all sorts mate."
Thank you and goodnight.

Istvanski said...

Howesy - Very sweet of you to drop by.

rockmother said...

It takes all sorts doesn't it? (Just running off to hide after writing such a chronic comment).

savannah said...

bless her heart, she's almost as dear as the bush girlies *snickering*

Howesy said...

what the hell is that on the side of her face eh??

rockmother said...

Well Howeser - it could be Sherbet Dib Dab? Or rice pudding? Or vomit dribble? Or remnants of Irish Coffee?

Istvanski said...

I don't think Howesy was thinking along those lines somehow...

At least she looks content post-incident.

rockmother said...

Oh dear - surely not the 'pearl necklace'?

savannah said...

pearl necklace? is that code???

*help the poor american out, please*

rockmother said...

Um - a bit like 'the money shot' in porn films Savannah.....

Istvanski said...

The next photo of Bea in this series shows her smoking a cigarrette.

So much for this being a family orientated blog.

Howesy said...

Oh goodness, what have I done? I just thought that maybe she liked her german sausage with mayo, got jossled by a passing photographer, suffered sausage slippage and got the tasty condement applied to her cheek. Honest. I mean wouldn't she have swallowed...

...her sausage quicker?

Istvanski said...

All this talk of frankfurter frolics will only serve to confuzzle Savanah's mind.

We're sick of hearing of all this sausage related stuff, we don't want it rammed down our throats.

savannah said...

it's ok...the pound is stronger than the dollar..i can take the befuddlement...and eddie waring hasa brit slang dictionary..thanks

Anonymous said...


Howesy said...

It's okay folks, panic over. Apparently the substance on the cheek has been analysed by experts and it isn't Harry as feared, it's just Charlie. So that's okay then.