Friday, April 27, 2007

For Stray Photon

Was I mistaken or did I notice you having a butcher's at the Tony Clifton MySpace profile a little while ago? Purely in the interests of research, YouTube (loads more Clifton related stuff on there - bit of an acquired taste though) has vomitted forth this quaint security clip from the past. He's a right card, isn't he. Can any reader(s) please tell me who came first: Tony Clifton or Tony Ferrino? (No 'sexytime' puns in the answers please).


rockmother said...

Wasn't it Tony Clifton? Groovy baby. Sexy baby. Hot. (you have to sing that in a pseudo pan-Mediterranean accent by the way) x

Istvanski said...

Ah, the crooners of yesteryear.
Who ever said romance was dead?
Mind you, I can't see me getting romantic with either of the two Tonys.

Istvanski said...

I meant getting romantic to their music.

You know what I'm on about.

rockmother said...

Er..yes - I think so. Mind you - a couple of go-go dancers shimmying around wouldn't be so bad would it - take your mind off Tony's paunch and wig?. I have to say the two Tony's aren't my cup of tea. Two Tone however....

I'm going to shut up and go away now.

Shuffling off to listen to some loud music and contemplate a podcast without sexitony.

Istvanski said...

A podcast eh?

Have you been reading my mind?
I'm working on a basic bare bones one as I type. Best to get the memory of the last one out of the way ASAP.

You'd better not play any of my songs, 'cos if you do I shall be quite cross.

rockmother said...

Oh - that's a shame - it was only going to be full of your songs. Your turn for a death stare I've been dishing them out all week by all accounts.

rockmother said...

Actually - your last podcast was excellent. You are wasted on choo choo's - you should be on the radio. x

Anonymous said...

*Best to get the memory of the last one out of the way ASAP.*

*Actually - your last podcast was excellent. You are wasted on choo choo's - you should be on the radio. x*


Anonymous said...

Sorry about Grandad Fred. He's a bit lively after the op and thinks he's a bit of a hacker but the only thing he hacks up is big greenies these days. Right, I've got a wordsearch to do.

Istvanski said...

RoMo - Aw shucks, ya mekkin' me blush.

GF - I'm sending you the cleaning bill for that puddle you left in the editing, not poodle, I SAID "PUDDLE".

Edna - It's about time you pulled the reigns in on Fred. He's been running amok down the Legion and it's been very, very embarrassing to watch...but fun too.

Anonymous said...

Oh lummy - Grandad Fred's been asbo'd from The Legion - he shouldn't be down there at all. He just can't resist the Red Barrel ontap despite the prosthesis.

Stray Photon said...

thanks for the link old boy, most amusing.