Sunday, December 17, 2006

Oops - Wrong Stadium!

People who are wondering whatever became of the late, great Robert Swipe will be relieved to know that he has become part of Norf London's newest (and soon to be swankiest) property development with a firm foundation. That's right folks, after losing an argument with a Spurs supporting builder, The Swipester has become part of the hardcore that will uphold the new apartments built within the facade of the Highbury stadium (above).
Yeah, OK, I'm bullshitting big time here, but what's a blog if you can't let your imagination run wild every now and then? Truth of the matter was this; me mate Stu borrowed my guitar for a gig he was playing at last night, meaning that he was unable to attend the Arsenal Vs Pompey clash at Ashburton Grove. It was quickly agreed amongst the two of us that a swap was in order, as a kind of insurance. EG: If I were to lose Stu's season ticket, he'd keep my guitar, and if he was to break the neck of my guitar, then in turn, his neck would be broken and I'd sell his season ticket for more than the amount that I paid to buy the guitar in the first place.
So far, so good, so what...Stu has still got my guitar and I've still got his season ticket.
When I texted Stu to ask him how the gig went, he replied: "Brill".
Just: "Brill".
It's not like Stu to give one word answers, you see. Usually Stu can (and will) talk the hind legs off a well-hung horse. So naturally I'm a tad concerned with the well-being of a Gibson SG Voodoo signed by Leslie West and Corky Laing. It's my only one and I doubt wether Leslie West will end up gracing us on these bitterly cold shores again with his fat and grumpy presence. Watch it, Stu. I've got two pointy head-stocked Jacksons and I'm not afraid to use them.

What happened at the game? I was more in awe at the state-of-the-art stadium than the quality of the first half of the game. The watering jets for the grass come out of nowhere and then they go back and hide in that nowhere. I loved the immaculate look of the pitch - I think they bought it from Carpet Right.

Arsenal should've won this game, but they ran out of puff in the closing stages of the second half (I always knew the drug laws in sport were lax), also they were not helped by the suspicious time-wasting antics of the OKI shirt wearers. Still, it was a lot cheaper for me to see this game than if I were to have gone up to Derby to see Palace lose and I had to laugh when Stu's dad told me of the result at The Valley. On the way home, I was asked the score of the game that I had just attended.

"It was a draw, two-all"

"Who scored?"

"Dunno, one French name sounds just like any other African name to me..."

I'll keep my gob shut in the future. And what about those Tigers, eh? Good job Dowie turned the job down, or they would've got whammied by the Welsh if he was in charge.

This is a great blog, isn't it? It's all about footie and vintage combo organs (and precious little else - be patient, I can't help the life I lead).


JDA said...

Nice to see that Stu is not letting marriage get the better of him!

Dick Headley said...

I'm in at least 2 minds about that. On the one hand I miss Robert's blog, on the other hand it's nice to see him become part of such an inspiring piece of architecture.