Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday's Doodle


Ad said...

I'm not sure whether you're the new Lowry or the new Beryl Cook?

When's the one man show?

Istvanski said...

Sir, are you implying that I'm an organ?
You're not the first and I'm sure you won't be the last to do so.

Cookie RIP.

The Mistress said...

I don't think either one of those blokes are in a state to notice the Magic Ship poster.

The poster would have been better off placed on the front of the building where it would have attracted a better class of customer.

dive said...

I love the little plug in there. I do hope you get a percentage for that!

Momentary Madness said...

I hope you're not doing that at work;-)

Joanne Casey said...

Is that a Saab 900 in the background...niiice!

The Mistress said...

I take it you don't doodle on Fridays?

Istvanski said...

MJ - Magic Ship are not in a position to afford premium advertising space.

Dive - If I had a penny for every Magic Ship plug involved in a project that I did, I'd have 37p.

MoMad - Who, me? Nah...never...

Joanne - Saabs rule, 900 models with that thing on the back.

MJ - Patience my dear, patience.

Joanne Casey said...

Saabs are cool in a count dracula kinda way. lol