Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday's Doodle


The Mistress said...

Does all this time doodling leave you any time to diddle?

Istvanski said...

No diddling whilst doodling but it's a doddle.

Axe Victim said...

No. you. must. stop. before. it's. too. late... the time continum is precariously close to tipping over due to your glums...

savannah said...

naybe that's what i should do...doodle

Anonymous said...

Did you go insane while I wasn't looking?

chazza said...

Why the glum face! !

What do I hear. .a bird..NO. Plane..No..

R o b b i n..

yeah..there for you ole mucker with a hair pin. . x x

BB Hi rr. . Nothing wrong with going insane gets the stress out of ones system. x x

dive said...

That's so much better than the photo they used in the papers.
You should do the front pages on Metro.

Istvanski said...

AV - No, I'm addicted.

Savvy - It's worth a try but only while MITM is not around x

BB - No. Further more from now on you shall call me Napoleon.

Chazza - It was a satirical doodle. I refer you to the comment left by Dive.

Dive - Bingo, you geddit!

chazza said...

Thank-you oh Isti. . Pardon Moir of my ignorance. . x x

Joanne Casey said...

Holy batdog!