Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday's Doodle


dive said...

Hey, it's the weekend, and you wanna SLEEP?
Sheesh! And I thought it was ME who was the old man!

Anonymous said...

Early capture of ZZZZZ's early rise. . xx

The Mistress said...

It's Sunday now and nothing since Friday?

Me thinks you're out canoodleing instead of doodleing.

Istvanski said...

Dive - But I had to work this past weekend. However, I've got four days off from today. Yipee!

MJ - I was only doodling for 5 days in a row. Next attempt will be one oil painting per day.

Canoodleing? Along the River Wandle?

Joanne Casey said...

Did you manage to catch any?

Dick Headley said...

I'm enjoying the doodles ist.

Istvanski said...

Joanne - I had a narcolepsy attack, so in a way, I did.

DH - Cheers Dick, glad you like 'em.