Monday, July 28, 2008

The Great Flood Of Wimbledon

In the early hours of Sunday morning, a burst water main affected residents in Kingston, Merton, Wimbledon and Surbiton. Why did it have to happen on one of the warmest days of the year? Sod's Law, I guess.
The local Guardian reporters were all over this incident. It'll certainly make a change when reading the letters page where local residents usually moan about the shabby refuse collection service or the recent youth stabbings.
Click here for the news report and here for more pics.


The Mistress said...

Looks like the whole neighbourhood was out snapping photos.

Nice pics, especially the post box.

Does this mean the tennis match is off?

dive said...

If it had happened in Peckham everybody would be out partying in it; in Wimbledon, folk simply moan.
Hey ho.
And hang on a mo … I go to Wimbledon a lot for work. Most of it's a bloody great steep hill. Where did they manage to find anywhere flat enough for a flood?

Joanne Casey said...

Did you go for a nice swim to cool you down?

Anonymous said...

hmmm yeah, seen the vid already!

Anyway...popped in to say that the music shop in Epsom (near the theatre on the one way bit) is closing down in August. They are having a closing down sale! Everything must go, so maybe it is worth checking never know there may be a guitar bargain or two?

Momentary Madness said...

I hate water other than in a swimming pool with me beside having a cool drink.

llewtrah said...

as international relief sent to the residents?

Molly Bloom said...

Lots of water to play splash in! Yay!

Anonymous said...

you haven't drowned, have you?

savannah said...

are you MIA, too, sugar? wassup? xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey Nappy, just checking in. ;-)

Istvanski said...

MJ - You like that post box, don't you? It's just another euphemism for 'soggy male'.

Dive - This was near South Wimbledon tube. It's far more downmarket than 'proper Wimbledon'.

Joanne - I had to, there was no ice available in the local KFC.

JDA - Guitar bargains can be found on eBay, providing you're patient.

MoMad - Sorry to hear you hate water. You really must see the doctor about that rabies ailment of yours.

Llewtrah - Plenty of locals were good natured about it. This incident provided them with loads of light relief.

Molly - Hello Molls, nice to hear from you, hope you're well! x

Rivergirlie - I brought my snorkel and inflateable armbands along, but thanks for asking.

Savvy - Interweb hiccup at the moment, Sugar. I'll be back shortly x

BB - Nappy? NAPPY?!? I hope you're not suggesting that I'm / this post is full of shit?

Anonymous said...

Me? Never.


llewtrah said...

it's almost as exciting as the great flood of Uxbridge Road when the water mains burst opposite the Co-op. I was forced to canoe to the tube station in a discarded greengrocery crate.