Items of interest from the net;
Up first is a skeleton crafted from old cassette tapes, a very suitable metaphor I think. The name of the skeleton is Dubley, I mean Dudley.

Very clever. Next up is this: GORBACHOV: THE MUSIC VIDEO - BIGGER AND RUSSIANER from Tom Stern on Vimeo. In this awesome video for the song “Gorbachov” by Russian metal band ANJ, former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev is an axe-wielding barbarian, destroying zombies who attack the hard working big breasted women of Mother Russia. It really is a thing of beauty. Actually it’s more than that. It’s the best damn music video ever created.
Finally, if you're contemplating installing a new kitchen, make sure you include this particularly tasteful ammonite fossil design sink.
It's all the rage in Belgravia. They've even got them in their cloackrooms. Mmmm, nice.
Not from the net, but here's a picture of a very rude looking doll that was tied to a crossbar of a scrap metal merchant's pick-up truck that was parked in the backwaters of Beddington.

Great to see the big-breasted Russian women released!! Now they can all get on the internet and find rich Western boyfriends.
I don't know ist?
I have to concur with the sentiment of the last picture frame.
I've not looked at the video, just vibing on 'Nantucket Sleighride' by Mountain. Marvelous! Now that's Hammond playing!!!
Leslie West always saw Mountain as being a three piece band without keyboards (similar to a Cream line up), but Felix Pappalardi thought otherwise. I suppose that was why on recent tours the only original members of Mountain on stage have been Corky Laing and Leslie himself. Not surprising really, as Felix was shot dead by his own wife years ago and I understand that keyboardist Steve Knight has since worked as a door engineer (?), involved in local government as well as other musical projects and has sadly been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
I wonder what you could make with a load of old 8-tracks?
Oh that ammonite sink is just too much!
Zombies, Gorbachov and metla - always a great combo.
Btw, I nicked your music player idea for my blog :-) Nice tunes!
Ummm metla, it's a new type of music a bit like metal ;-)
damn, sugar..i got lost in the beastie boys! xoxox
*love that sink*
My kind of video.
My kind of video.
DH - I wrote a song about that!
MoMad - D'you mean to say that you 'knock one out' every time you answer the phone? Into phone sex are you? Nudge, nudge, say no more.
MJ - You could make up a load of old bollocks using these.
RoMo - It's essentially a chic part of the overall decor for the beautiful people. I trust you'll be getting one soon? ;-P
Joanne - Metla is Russian for metal, or so my local dolly-weilding Muscovite scrap metal dealers tell me.
Savvy - I'll see that your sink is delivered to you ASAP. Glad you like the muzak xox
Axe - I thought so.
Axe - I thought so.
I wonder what can be made out of old Betamax?
Shit, this post is much better than the Culture Show.
The Beeb should sack Lauren Laverne and give the show to you, Istvanski.
Llewtrah - They'd make lots of poisonous fumes when they're chucked on a fire.
Dive - Who needs telly? Just feed the masses with broadband and we'll all have everything at hand.
Tell me about it. I am now an ooVoo freak. Git yowself a webcam boy and show me your arse online!
That is the best music video ever.
Tits, Zombies and Gorbachev. Can't go wrong.
I've coincidentally been playing the Beat a lot recently. My favourite Ska revival band.
Radio Wunderbar no3 up.
Don't listen to RockMother, we think that sink is ace!
Not very much use, we imagine, but ace nonetheless.
*kicks mj in the silver beaver on the way out*
Axe - If webcaming was that popular, lots of people would be making video calls on their mobiles all the time.
The fact that they don't is down to two things;
1. Most people feel they look like shit
2. There may well be a need for the avoidance of body language detection.
You are just going through an ooVoo phase and you need to snap out of it right now, buddy...for your own safety, if not for the sake of other people's minces.
Harold - Go feed the 'orse!
Ad - Well I was contemplating going to see Hugh Cornwell & The Blockheads' free gig at Clerkenwell (or is it Camberwell?) Green tonight, but now I know you've done another podcast, I shall stay in and listen to it. It'd better be as good as the last one, matey. ;-P
Piggy, Tazzy & MJ - There'll be no genitalia / cunt kicking-in on my blog, thank you very much...
...oh, go on then, but can you kick each other on cue so I can turn the camcorder on in time before the violence starts?
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