Thursday, June 05, 2008

From Rudebox


chazza said...

Don't you just love em', don't it make you feel like you would want one...not.

Next future Prime Minister or even Mayor of London. . . .x x

Joanne Casey said...


Betty said...

I'm all for it. Children should be encouraged to make their own way in this world as soon as possible, preferably emigrating to America in the process.

Dick Headley said...

On the plus side the little bugger will probably think twice about having kids.

rockmother said...

You have no idea how many people who have seen that have e mailed me asking if that was The Squidget's acting debut - even my brother! Idiot! But they do look alike - and the Squidge is perfectly capable of being that lippy.

Istvanski said...

Chazza - No! No more Boris clones (clowns?).

Joanne - Class war more like, uppity little sod he is.

Betty - It's a serious thing you're suggesting here. Have you started a petition to pass this new law that will save parents everywhere shitloads of money?

DH - Either that, or he'll get involved with a gang from down town LA and carry out drive by shootings and be the absent father of 14 kids. In turn, all 14 of his kids will end up being fine upstanding citizens as an act of rebellion.

Captain Chaos - Yes, 6 is old enough to be able to wipe one's own ass. It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it.

RoMo - Do you feed Squidget fair trade bananas by any chance?

rockmother said...

No but he will no doubt be saught after for the revival of the cheeky freckle faced mmmn bisto campaign!