I wonder if this will have actually achieved anything apart from a few arrests / assualts, a handful of injuries and (depending on which reports you may have read) up to fifty members of tube staff being spat at. Oh yes, let's not forget the slippery drink-spilled platforms and service delays. What it actually achieved on the night was a lot of folk on the right side of being middle-aged having a lot of fun. Let's face it, do you think Boris will change his mind and over-turn the Underground drinks ban after this protest / party? If he does, I'll start a new band that uses empty Tennents Extra beer cans as slides and plectrums and call it "Rainbow Kiss" (fuck it, I might just do that anyway - I can picture the band's logo now...).
Below is Alexandre Graham, 26, who works for the Royal Bank of Scotland and was one of the organisers of the party. He now fears for his job after being caught posturing in front of a camera.

Unfortunately (or hopefully according to many Evening Standard readers) losing his job may become a reality for him. Nevermind Al, it's all part and parcel of growing up and lessons learned in life etc, and on that score it's mission accomplished, you idiot. But hey, what a way to get the sack, eh? Now that's real anarchy!
Banning smoking did make a huge difference to travelling on the trains. (I remember the fog compartments).
Banning drinking alcohol on the trains...will we really see a difference? Apart from the odd sick patches, dodgy walking individuals laughing out loudly or singing out of tune...
What is the big deal of banning? x x
P.S...Why because it is far easier than sorting out or finding a positive solution to all those teenagers being stabbed these past few weeks that has been nearly one a day.
So Boris to you I say cut that hair of yours. Get it out of your eyes that will make you see more important issues more clearly...lol x x
Fuck 'em.
If these cunts had to clean up after themselves with their pissing everywhere, shitting, puking, fighting and general wankeritis then I'd be happier, but they don't. Some poor night worker has to wade through their detritus and breath the fetid air they leave behind so it's all nice and clean for them to fuck it up again the next day.
Should've tazered the lot of them and chucked them on the live rail.
Hey, Britain's Got Talent!
I hope Alexandre got his arse felt and it was worth it.
I agree with Howesy.
What a waste of public money and time. Fuck me sideways if we don't have enough on our hands in London already without this bunch of pissed up twats fucking everything up for decent minded people. And what the heck has this got to do with the Mayor? All he wants to do is to clean this sort of trash up. Birch 'em all I say. Flog 'em in public. That'll learn 'em. Nifty post I thought.
Ha, puts CHEERS!! into perspective.
What's the big deal anyway, it's not as if drinking is illegal in pubs. They looks like a bunch of twats...lol
Chazza - Apparently, some of those revellers were smoking on the underground.
Howesy - Ah, you're no fun, are you? C'mon, lighten up - you were young once...remember?
Geoff - Indeed. Our national sport (yobbism) has been plastered all over YouTube so that our friends in neighbouring countries can cheer us on to greater heights.
Axe Victim - It's a strange rule which won't really make the majority of Londoners that much more miserable. What really got me were the idiots who thought it was 'just a bit of fun'. One 22 year old girl was part of it because: "it's being kind of rebellious, isn't it?"
WTF?!? Was she serious or was she drunk? I expect Ryk from The Young Ones to come out with something like that.
MoMad - Cheers to you too, mine's a large one by the way. Huh, look at me, bragging again.
Joanne - You're right on both counts. But some people have been as angry about this new rule as if an all-out nationwide prohibition has been introduced.
RoMo - It'll be fun to see those Moss Side burglers give him a slap. As for his unemployable predicament, he can probably always go back home and ask daddy for a sub.
a strange sense of entitlement it seems, sugar, hence, as howsey said, no idea or concern about the people who have to clean up after their last night to party! xox
I used to commute between Chelmsford and Bristol. I got fed up of travelling home late summer evenings when some w*nker was alternately swigging and vomiting in a hot stuffy carriage on a Bakerloo line train stuck between 2 stations.
Where can I get one of those mobile phone blocker/jammer things?
Safety in numbers.
Savvy - They should give the drinkers a large bin liner to clean up after themselves x
Llewtrah - There's always the few who make what can be a pleasant journey awkward for the rest. Ticket inspectors are just some of them.
Axey - You've already got two of them. They're called 'fists'.
DH - Is that the excuse they gave?
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