It all goes back to when The Stones 'commissioned' the Hells Angels to provide the security at the Altamont free concert, California in December 1969. It also featured, in order of performance: Santana, Jefferson Airplane, The Flying Burrito Brothers, and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, with the Stones taking the stage as the final 'surprise' act in front of an audience thought to number 300,000 people.
Meredith Hunter, an 18-year-old fezzie reveller, became involved in an altercation with some Hells Angels and drew a long-barreled revolver. It is clear that Hunter drew and fired his weapon before he was stabbed the first time. He was stabbed five times in total and kicked to death during the Rolling Stones' performance. His graphic death near the stage was clearly captured on film by three separate cameras. The killer, Alan Passaro, was arrested and tried for murder in the summer of 1972, but was acquitted after a jury concluded he acted in self-defence because Hunter was carrying a handgun, drew it, and allegedly pointed it at the stage.
Mick Jagger was said to be furious about the uprising in the crowd, blaming the biker group, who had been employed to quell any trouble. In turn, the Hells Angels were so angered by Jagger's treatment of them that they decided to kill him. A boatload of gang members set-off to attack the rock icon at his holiday home in the Hamptons, New York City, but were thwarted by bad weather.
It's always an eye-opener to see official government secrets eventually being 'outed' or released and with "The FBI at 100" (aired on BBC Radio 4 today), this should be one of those programmes. The first 15 minute short explains the organization's beginnings.
Don't worry if you miss it, it'll hopefully be available as a listen again feature on their site.
Spitting Image is where they belong.
Yeah, pity he didn't get shot - The newer material is a bit shite. The ungrateful rubber mouthed plonker hired the Hells' Angels to protect them and that's the thanks they get.
Paddy - Do you mean The Stones, The Who or Cliff Richard? I'd agree with you on the last one.
Joanne - It's actually unsure about what the Angels' duties were. Sonny Barger claimed they were hired to protect the generator in exchange for beer - and that was it. I believe the real truth will be lost in the mist of time.
Leaving aside The Who. Sir Jagger (Keith R. didn't like the idea) the scourge of the establishment. I don't think so. He said he and his family were amused (royalty at last) at him being given a knighthood.
Back in 1969, a reporter asked Mick how he felt about John Lennon returning his MBE. Mick said that he should have done it sooner, and that's what he would have done.
Bianca was his greatest triumph, and downfall when he left her for (a ........... you can fill it in)Jerry Hall. God, I just felt shiver down my back.
I remember when Mick used to hang out with with the Lords, and Ladies, coming to Dublin to stay wit Sir Desmond Guinness in the late 60's
I had the pleasure of hanging out with Desmond too.
Mick spent more time with the aristocracy, the ruling class, where I think he felt more at home as - wanting to be - one of them-"Born to be Roy-y-al,..... and the feelin' that I'm under ....")
Clip: Daily Telegraph "his birthday celebrations... Mick was in Prague ........ had "dinner at the British ambassador's residence ...... "money is the real key" to why he keeps on going. "He may own four expensive properties - a house in New York, a chateau in France, a mansion in ... London, an estate in Mustique - and be worth a reputed £175m but he admits he's tight ...
..... definitely Royal.
Isn't one verse of American Pie allegedly about the Hells Angels security/murder incident?
Paddy - Jerry should've married Ferry. So you and Sir Desmond Guinness were buddies, eh? The establishment is a small world, Paddy. A mate of mine's dad had Bertie Ahern as his accountant (that was before Bertie hit the big-time of course).
As for Jagger, he's got all those millions BECAUSE he's tight. Does talent really come into it?
Llewtrah - It's got to be this verse;
Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage.
No angel born in hell
Could break that satan’s spell.
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite,
I saw satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
Sounds about right...
Another false news release. I'm surprised you fell for it Ist. The assassination attempt was successful and what people think is Mick Jagger is actually a clever bit of animation. (They got Keith too but he wouldn't stay down).
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