So, Howesy and I are sitting at our desks which are positioned right next to the office balcony. We're pretending to get on with some sort of paperwork whilst really waiting for the sporting entertainment to start, when suddenly Neil Warnock walks on stage and announces the pre-match entertainment gig.
"Ladies and Gentlemen", says our Neil. "I'd like you all to give a very warm welcome for today's warm-up act" (see, this is how weird this dream was; a bloody warm-up act at a Champions' league game?!?).
"Put your hands together for...Paul McCartney and the Brian Moore Band".
McCartney swaggers onto the stage in his own inimitable way doing all the thumbs-up-all-right-our-kid malarkey, closely followed by four identical Brian Moores weilding custom Brian Moore guitars. The Brians were dishing out free Gillingham FC fanzines which were called "Brian Moore's Head Looks Uncannily Like The London Planetarium" (which is an actual fanzine that I've encountered in real life). I can't remember what songs they played, but they were alright for an old band.
McCartney swaggers onto the stage in his own inimitable way doing all the thumbs-up-all-right-our-kid malarkey, closely followed by four identical Brian Moores weilding custom Brian Moore guitars. The Brians were dishing out free Gillingham FC fanzines which were called "Brian Moore's Head Looks Uncannily Like The London Planetarium" (which is an actual fanzine that I've encountered in real life). I can't remember what songs they played, but they were alright for an old band.
They finished the set and Howesy and I joined McCartney on stage for an expresso as all the roadies rushed around us, packing up all the gear in time for kick-off.
"Ahright lads, whadya reckon o' the gig?" asked Paul.
"You should start using a Mellotron again. Oasis have nicked your sound" I said.
"Who the fuck are Oasis?"
"Ahright lads, whadya reckon o' the gig?" asked Paul.
"You should start using a Mellotron again. Oasis have nicked your sound" I said.
"Who the fuck are Oasis?"
Noodle bars - cheap health food or just cheap food? Every now and then I get the urge to stick my nose into a large bowl of fish stock flavoured soup, which also contains cabbage, squid, fish balls, and erm, lots of other unidentified stuff (supposedly edible) that is covered in black pepper. It tastes great, it really does but the only decent noodle bar round here that serves it is in Beckenham. Bit of a trek really, so this was conjoured up really quickly the other night in the kitchen. Perhaps it was some fermented ingredient in that brew which triggered the weird dream process.
Really Sweetheart. Noodle soup! ! !Yeah alright. .. . Its more like the gallons of Otrivine you have shoved up that hooter over the past 4 years more like. Taking its toll...
Anything which contains fish and stock should not be trusted, on any level.
Macca & The Moores should definitely get back to using the Mellotron. Mind you, I like The Moody Blues, so I would say that.
That fanzine name is from Half-man Half-biscuit if I recall correctly.
And they're right, his head does look like the planetarium.
You're not the only one needs new glasses. I thought I read that you were sticking your arse into a bowl of soup.
That dream, it has a meaning. You are going to be promoted to Area Manager on the Lost Island, where nothing makes sense at all. I love dreams like that.
Yum - that looks delicious - I am so hungry and would kill to eat that right now. Weird dream - you were inhaling the Toilet Duck again Ister weren't you?
Okay, so now I'm freaked.
First I crop up in RoMo's dream, pissed and comatose.
Now here I am in your wierdness.
I'm orf to go to bed and have a dream of my own...
I had a dream last night about bloggers and blogging but I had been out to meet theurbanwoo and had consumed a fair amount of alcohol which might have contributed to my skewed night of sleep. Even so - do you think we all need to get out more?
Chaznon - Hmmm, I don't think so. It's very rare that I actually remember my dreams.
Betty - Macca & The Moores should use Mellotrons, Vox Continentals, Farfisa Compact Duos, Hammond Organs...I could go on.
But I won't.
Billy - Yes! It's from their song "Dickie Davis Eyes". I'm hoping Tranmere Rovers get promoted so the HMHB boys come down to London when their team plays at Selhurst Park, as that's the only time they seem to tour other parts of the country. They go where their team go.
Joanne - I'd only stick my arse into a bowl of chicken soup if I had piles. Vannessa Feltz told me that chicken soup cures everything.
RoMo - I've gone off Toilet Duck, I need a bigger high, any suggestions?
Howesy - You?!? Pissed and comatose??? When was that a dream?
RoMo - Perhaps a break from blogging would be ideal, but we're all addicted to it, aren't we?
I think Sir Paul knows exactly who Oasis are...is. He was pulling your leg.
I miss Brian Moore's orgasmic cries.
My dad once drove into a dead end. It was Gillingham's ground.
I once had a dream where I went there. Bloody cheap.
Ooh - that soup looks fab! Can you get it at that noodle bar just across the road from E Croydon station? I go there every few months to meet up with some friends as we head there from all sorts of directions and it's convenient. Plus, the food is good. We eat, complain about our husbands and children and elderly parents, and then go home again.
DH - I reckon he was genuine, Dick. His recent divorce tribulations stressed him out to such an extent that he suffered from memory loss. He was playing the bass to Penny Lane while his backing band were playing Helter Skelter. I've never seen anything like it!
Geoff - They're showing Brian Moore era The Big Match on ITV 3 or 4, repeats of 'vintage' games. See the Radio Times for further orgasmic details.
Sylvia - You can get a seafood soup in Croydon's Miso Noodle Bar which I recommend(in George Street - 5 minutes walk from East Croydon train station or a 1 minute tram ride if you can't be arsed with the exercise). You can get a huge bowl's worth for under a fiver. Sharing a meal with friends is a great way to pass the time, specially if you talk about how you got suckered into marraige. Oh how the time flies when you're neck deep in a plate full of vermecelli.
You're living in a dream- that's not to say it's a bad thing, but funny you should think it weird, the very things you live for; guitars, football, and performing. If you concentrate on the weird a little more over the next few days you might glean more of the dreams message to your conscions self.
Sean - I wonder if living in a dream-state would be favourable as opposed to living in the real world? You'd have nothing to judge it against, would you? Which means you wouldn't know any better. Unfortunately / fortunately Sean, I'm very much in the real world (I think...therefore, I, erm...am?). That dream had no meaning, it was just a summarisation of things that I observed or dealt with recently.
Boring but true.
I'm waffling, I need more creative outputs and lots of sleep.
I think you need more soup! x
Can I just clarify something Ister - do you dream in colour? Or am I confusing your nocturnal, subconscious excursions with a Bill Nelson song from the early 1980s?
On a lighter note, it couldn't have been arsene sniffing around The Park - he'd have been at the San Siro supervising the first win there by an 'English'club over AC Milan (....although, we'd already beaten Inter there 5-1....)
Christ - Mexico had some *girth* on it, didn't he????
RoMo - I think I'll need a bigger bladder!
Bob - You're not talking about that song that Bill did with Julio are you? I don't have dreams like *that* anymore.
Yes - that's it - it's right opposite the station. I think they have another branch under the underpass at the bottom end of the high street. Must fix up another date soon.....
Actually - I reckon excessive chili can give you funny dreams. I have become addicted to fresh red chili - I made a very very hot prawn, chickpea and tomato red chili thing the other day and my dreams were unbelievably complicated and colourful. I am sure it was the chili.
Sylvia - Under the underpass?
The Croydon Underpass??
Are you saying there's a nuclear bomb proof noodle bar in my locality?
RoMo - I reckon excessive chili gives you funny wind. Try adding raw ginger and onion next time and keep trying different combinations of synthetic food additives. You'll never need to sleep to have a lucid dream again.
Maybe it was the ultimate power weapon wind that dun it guv?
It was very windy today. Did last night's comment inspire you to fry up those chillies?
so where will all ya'll get your chinese food from now, sugar? according to bbc america, there are no more chinese immigrant workers allowed in and restaurants are closing up shop!
as an aside, where is howsey these days?
The children of immigrants will supply us with this sweet ethnic food that we so Love.
Howesy is hobnobbing with Neil Young - go say hello, he's put a lot of work into his brilliant and thoughtful review.
What an excellent blog dear fellow. Top marks. I'l be back.
I couldn't know about your dream because I'm not -you - in the feeling of it.
"That dream had no meaning"- there are no dreams without meaning.(well in truth- I wouldn’t argue with you because I would have to agree with you in the end, but mostly) they wouldn't surface for no reason.
”I wonder if living in a dream-state would be favourable as opposed to living in the real world?”
I think living in the real world would be desirable, and there is a real world as opposed to a dream world.
The dream world is all around us, and we’re definitely in it most of the time. We tend to consider anything (in the night/unconscious) that pops into our heads is a dream, when in fact everything pops into our heads first, and then we think about it, but mostly we give ourselves the credit for having produced it (in the day time).
Judging the difference between dream and reality may not be so difficult .
Like the first dream/inkling of being able to make wings and fly like a bird- where’s Icarus? (He’s up on the roof again. Does he not know there is more important work to do down here).
Today we’re in space.
Between Icarus, and flight today in space, lies the reality. Man never learned to fly like he dream of, and flight in terms of the vastness of the space has never been realized/achieved., with half backed ideas/dreams of what lies out there, and why we need to find out . Man is on the roof dreaming.
We are constantly (unconsciously) trying to making out dreams real. Waking form our dreams, and trying to rationalise them, living in a dream state of mind night, and day, missing the point of the dream trying to tell us that very fact.
When we try sincerely to understand our - unconscious - dreams, in relation to who we are, then we will know better how to compare the reality of being asleep, and that of being awake.
”I need more creative outputs and lots of sleep” You just said it. Creativity is working with your unconscious/dreams - it brings about the deeper layers of your self into expression, creating a union - turning base metal into gold.
The union of the opposites.
Sounds good, dont it. If you find out what I'm on about, let me know, cause I haven't a bleedin' clue.
Cheers, Mr Victim. Thanks for stopping by so pull up a chair and have a seat. There's tea in the pot.
Sean - I'm buggered if that dream means anything, I really am. It seems to me more of a mental round-up of what has been on my mind prior to it's onset.
It's weird how they say the brain is intrinsically linked with the mind and that as we move towards our inevitable death (and depending on what disease will take us) it's our minds that can go first, although the brain is the last organ to shut down after death.
The whole thing's a big bloomin' mystery to me, Sean.
What are you on about? What are you on? Dunno, mate - but I'll have 2 of whatever it is you've had! ;-)
Nice one!
Where'd you go?
Oh wow. . .u poor love. . .Quote: specially if you talk about how you got suckered into marraige.
A problem you will never experience ha babe...crying with absolute laughter. . Never mind shall make you another chinese soup ha. .
How apt that you should comment on being suckered into marriage on the same day that Heather Mills is awarded a rather large lump sum for her "contribution" to the McCartney household.
As they say "don't do the crime if you cannot do the time". . .
Dont ask the question in the first place darlinings. Will keep you out of trouble.
Mums were always right. . .think before speaking.
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