Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Sponsored by Rowan Williams.


Alan said...

I am glad he's one of yours, ha.
I didn't hear the whole thing, and I hear he says some remarks had been taken out of context. How-and-ever, I don't think any form of mob-rule/Sharia law should be allowed riligious or otherwise.
Our courts are uncivilised enough without adding to the problem.

Geoff said...

I'm off to play some Carpenters now.

I think he only meant it as an alternative to the divorce courts and inheritance laws. I don't think he was advocating beheadings for adultery. Maybe just a little nick.

rockmother said...

I truly believe he meant well - and there are some aspects of sharia law that are recognised already in our country. I believe his main point was to try and counter a 'them and us' scenario and to try and merge the two very things that don't actually merge very well at all - politics and religion. Community and integration - the very things that the present government have killed.

rockmother said...

PS: I woke up laughing this morning. I had a dream that you and Howesy came round to my fictitious new house in the country somewhere. We were meant to be going to a big important party somewhere else but you and Howesey drank SO much you both passed out and I had to leave you both snoring on the floor - I turned the light out and shut the door. Everyone at the party was asking where you and Howesey were. I have no idea who they were. When I staggered back from the party the next morning - you and Howesey were still in a coma on the floor surrounded by assorted bottles as I had originally left you. And then I woke up laughing.

Thanks - better than a nightmare.

Do you think I need to get out more? ;-)

rockmother said...

Ister - blimey - that WAS deep - I see where you are coming from. I am a serious non-believer myself although I understand why other people do believe. I seem to remember enjoying Plato's Republic when I studied it - bugger knows if I can remember it exactly although I do remember being told that it was all an impossible ideal. We just need a bloody riot - I keep telling everyone but they are all poisoned by the Mosquito ringing in their ears evidently! As for the dream - I think it was a Jagermeister Toilet Duck combo of bottles - that's probably why I woke up laughing!

Istvanski said...

Interesting comments everyone, thanks...

Sean - If his remarks have been taken out of context then I'm still waiting for him to explain things in a much simpler manner.
There's a lot to be said about the phrase "when in Rome..." - that's what gives us our individual cultures in the first place, I'm up for cultural variety. Bring on Sharia Law, being that I'm not a muslim, I won't get tried under it...will I?

Geoff - "an alternative to the divorce courts and inheritance laws" along with mortgage repayments too? Give my love to Karen.

RoMo - I'm sure someone who describes himself as a liberal beardie (or whatever the term is that he used) is eager for a more wider acceptance and for more intergration amongst people of various faiths. But where will this lead to in terms of his own relationship with God? Does he actually have one? The Archbishop of Canterbury is meant to be a Christian abiding to the rules given to him by the God of the old and new testament (remember, the Bible clearly states that other religions are false). Depending on your viewpoint, politics arose from religion (or vice versa). The two are a lot more inter-twinned than you may think, and you'll have a tough job trying to separate the two - the hard line Communists drove religion underground for a while until their own systems collapsed.
As humans, we'll never come up with a fool-proof system that pleases everyone, I'd go as far as to say that we need a supernatural being to dream one up for us, 'cos we all from time to time sin, rendering us as corrupt to any system going.

Christ, that was deep! The power of Middle Eastern film footage set to a Slayer track is phenomenal.

As for that dream, hah! I hope we were both poisoned by quality drink, none of that Domestos rubbish...

Blimey Roster! You sneaked in there as I rectified my comment (had to change "superhuman being" for "supernatural", that's what I meant. What will a riot achieve?

As for those 'bathroom cocktails':I take it you don't mix Toilet Duck with rose?

rockmother said...

Well I have had to on occasion yes - so did the manager of that pub too I am sure! Yours, Ashamed of London.

Re: riot - I don't mean a bad riot where everyone gets hurt and shot - just a refusal to take anymore pushing around by the dictatorship we are so obviously living in right now.

Howesy said...

Ha ha!
I was wondering where I was last night and why I woke with a stinker of a headache and toilet duck spilt down me shirt!

As for Rowan Williams, apparently his advisors warned him about saying what he said, I reckon it would've been more sensible for him to stay schtum for a bit. He was always going to get mis-quoted.
It's funny though that everyone is interested in religion all of a sudden, since when has anyone listened to an Arch-Bishop?
I guess that the general feeling is more Anti-sharia than pro-christian.

When's the next party RoMo?

Istvanski said...

RoMo - You'll never get everyone to stick together, but if you did the forces that you'd be peacefully rebelling against will get more brutal.

Howesy - I got interested in the current Rowan Williams debate when the headlines on the front page of The Sun read "Bash The Bishop".

Does that surprise you?

rockmother said...

Oh ok - just a bit of mild looting then.

Istvanski said...

That's more like it.

Joanne Casey said...

I have no idea who Rowan Williams is so I'm going to headbang for the duration of the song.

Dick Headley said...

You never watched Blackadder?

Joanne Casey said...

dh wouldn't that be a Rowan of the Atkinson variety?

Istvanski said...

Rowan Williams is the Archbishop of Cunterbury.

Joanne Casey said...

Cunterbury :-)

Dick Headley said...

Yes joanne, it would. Also known as the Reverend Bean. No flies on you I see. :-)

PENDULUM said...

hey, a topic for you-- a reply to a comment (jd/thecommuter: "Sean if wisdom is recognising uncertainty then surely the Archbishop deserves to have his say?")
I thought was reasonale enough, or?