Fred Bollix (left), 87, was also left with brain damage and kidney failure after 83-year-old Gladys Bollix laced his food and Sunny D with the urinal cleaning fluid on their sixtieth wedding anniversary.
Mr Bollix could now get the transplant he needs after tests showed that his friend Arthur's organ was a match, according to his local GP.
The former sewage worker told the local newspaper how his 92-year-old friend casually offered him his kidney "as if he was offering me a Twickenham Fine Ale".
"To think my mate is willing to donate part of his body to keep me alive is very humbling," he said.
"I will never see his face again but I remember his toothy grin and know he's happy to give me a chance."

A jury at Croydon Crown Court took eight hours to convict Gladys Bollix (pictured right), of Thornton Heath, London, of attempted murder following a three-week trial which heard that she stood to gain £130,000 from her husband's death.
She had hoped to pay off mounting debts by netting his death benefit from Thames Water, but Mr Bollix managed to survive despite spending 16 weeks in a coma after being admitted to hospital in April 2005. He has also been in retirement since 1981, which meant Gladys, a long time dementia sufferer, would not have been entitled to any 'death in service' payout.
Gladys will be sentenced later this month.
And now...for your minces and lug'oles:
Mrs. - aptly named indeed - Bollix.
Man, Facing her in court would be like a wind up.
Kate Knight, 28, of Stoke-on-Trent,recently did the same trick, Mr Knight was left blind and deaf after Mrs Knight, she put anti-freeze into his red wine and takeaway curry brought to celebrate their wedding anniversary on 4 April.
He needs full-time care now.
Mrs. Bollix, and Knight could get together, and form a band- "Gladys Knight and the Bleaches"
More like Gladys Knight and the Beeeatches! How could that woman have done such a thing?
Sean & RoMo - "Facing her in court would be like a wind up". Yes Sean, much like this post, I'm afraid.
But why does this incident not shock me? Another day for someone on the British Isles. Ho-hum.
As Hugh Cornwell once sang:
"Killing using bleaches, money goes to leeches...well take a look over theeeeyyy-aaarrrr"
Sounds like a load of Bollix if you ask me! Toilet Duck never did Lizzie Birdsworth from Prisoner cell block any harm!
Prisoner Cell Block?
Euurgghhh! That's sooo old hat.
I watch Bad Girls.
Sounds like a load of old Bollix!
Oo-er Dowiewatch alert:
Llewtrah - In a nutshell, it is!
RoMo - What goes around comes around. Dowie (son of Davros) was ready to jump ship from Coventry when he heard they had money problems. A justified sacking in my view, perhaps this time he'll bugger off back to Oldham for good.
Toilet Duck eh? In my day we'd flush it out with Drano. I'm quite busy here catching up with Dread Zeppelin and Heavy Metal Flamenco.
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