Tuesday, November 27, 2007

West Cuntry

The original Troggs Tapes have always been tourbus favourites for many a band doing their travels, so I thought I'd display the best of Devonshire profanity for your listening pleasure.


Dick Headley said...

And they look like such nice young men on telly. Long time since I heard out pronounced 'ate'.

Betty said...

I'll bet Westlife don't argue like that in the studio.

Yerrr slacks'rre low and yerrr hips'rre showin'.

Anonymous said...

reg presley, innit? fab

rockmother said...

Language Timothy!

Istvanski said...

DH - Jif and I watched "Hot Fuzz" yesterday. Oh how we laughed at the 'translation' scene.

Betty - They're good boys, striving for the high life everytime Louis Walsh says "jump".

Rivergirlie - Yes, it's future UFO spotter Reg Prezzers.

RoMo - This is nowhere near as bad as "Mission from 'Arry" by Iron Maiden.

Howesy said...

Are you sure it's the Troggs, or is it 'Olly's first team talk at wherever 'es ended up lately...

Istvanski said...

Ah, you've gone and thrown a spanner in the works with that last comment, Mr Howesy.

Of course, there is absolutely no proof that it's The Troggs. It could be Olly. There's Devon and then there's Brizzle, but it all sounds 'yokel' to me.

"Olly's gots to go to Leicester..."

Howesy said...

having given it due consideration, I reckon it must be the Troggs because there is a distinct lack of surreal/crap attempts at humerous analogy as would be expected from your man 'Olly. (he used to play for Brentford you know)

Istvanski said...

"he used to play for Brentford you know..."

That must account for his arrested development.