Cheers to RoMo for the inspiration regarding this "quickie" post. It's not the same clip of Wham! on Spitting Image that I remembered (a spoof Wham! song that I think was called "Hair, teeth, feet, botty"), but it's just as good for a chuckle.
First bud!
1 week ago
next time...
wake me up before you go go...*snickering*
Oh dear, Sav's been on the snicker juice again.
it's saturday, sugar! ;D
Reminds me of the time I was in Beverley Hills and I needed a slash.
I had forgotten quite how good Spitting Image actually was. What ever happened to Andrew Ridgley anyway? Isn't he a bit like Gary Numan - races and crashes really expensive cars and still wears dodgy boiler suits?
Oh no - I just wiki'd him. Not only is his birthday two days after mine (date not year I hasten to add!)but he is married to Keren Woodward of Bananarama! Cool points - nil.
Savvy - England's version of The National Enquirer came up with a fantastic headline after George got caught cottaging in LA. "Zip me up before you go-go".
Howesy - You cannot drink Marathon choccy bars unless you melt them first.
DH - I take it you too remember that headline in the "Screws of the World"?
RoMo - Ridgley is a steward at the local go-kart track in Tolworth where he works part time. Keren Woodward - I had a bit of a crush on her when I was at school.
*Keren Woodward - I had a bit of a crush on her when I was at school. *
Was she the inspiration for your hair back then?
Yes, since that incident in Beverley Hills I always think of George when I'm in a public convenience. You never know who's watching.
Hair back?
Arse - looks like Albania is off the menu - look at this:
I'm not going anywhere where they greet a insane murdering lapsed alcoholic a hero's welcome - I bet he didn't want for a horse and trabant.
i saw that...but ya'll will come here after the '08 elections, right? *ever so hopeful*
*Hair back?*
Obviously, the writer intended the phrase *hair back then* to be an inference to the condition of the subjects hair during the time he was at school, ie. *back then*.
However, seeing as the objectionable section of said hair, *back then* was in fact, the back of it, or the *mullet* bit, then perhaps your confusion is understandable.
Oh - I seee! I didn't read it like that. I guess I read it as a question. Dumba me!
Yes, very disappointing performance by the Albanians. No doubt they were offered jobs at Microsoft and all the super-size Bigmacs they can eat.
Howesy - I just had a crush on her when I had hair back then.
RoMo - I see what you mean. Perhaps we can manouvre the horse and Trabant to Montenegro and wait there until Bush leaves Albania. It'll be a shame to waste all those plane tickets now that we've already ordered them.
Savvy - Popping over to the US will depend on if the election results will be rigged in favour of Bush again. If they are, I'm afraid we'll have to boycott the country. Howzat?
DH - It amazes me how the Albanians will go mad for westernised junk food. If they only knew how fond we are of kebabs (insert Jade Goody type joke here...on second thoughts, please don't).
Prof. Mitchell - Thank you for clearing that up. Perhaps you'd like to enlighten us with a brief history of the mullet? I'm sure you have experience with such a subject, seeing as you're a confused labrador wotsit type thingy.
i see you've been reading the emergency national security's a real fear that dubya could attempt to put the election off in the name of national security...he stole the last one, so why not just thug his way which case ...i'll be looking for a new place to rest my southern anarchist head..or face jail time, sugar!
Oh - have you purchased plane tickets already?
Savvy - There are plenty of us in the UK. Visit us and we'll take you along to a few Conflict gigs. It'll be a home from home for any anarchist.
RoMo - Yes, we're all departing on the 12th of August. So don't muck about, get your clipboard ready.
Ketu ne eci! (that's 'here we go in Albanian for those who can't keep up).
Interesting fact: did you know that shitem in Albanian means 'to go back on one's word'?
Ne c'vend ime trabant?
"Shitem" is a word with many connotations. If you type this word into any online Albanian - English dictionary, you'll be surprised at what can come out.
Verb - keep, prostitute, bring, go, move
Adjective - off-the-shelf
Colloquial(?) - cake: be selling like hot cakes
So the sentence "shitem shitem shitem" translates as "off-the-shelf prostitutes are selling like hot cakes".
Për se nyjë e shquar kalë?
Have you got any curly kale with that?
Curly Kale?!?
Often overlooked relative of cabbage, brocolli and other members of the brassica family
Curly Kale is a member of the brassica family, and so a relative of more familiar vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and other greens.
Visually, at first glance it resembles curly parsley, but on closer inspection it looks more like a savoy cabbage that has grown as individual leaves rather than forming a heart.
In terms of taste and texture, it is also reminiscent of a savoy, if rather more stringy and a little more bitter.
It can be cooked like any other cabbage, but would benefit from the addition of butter or another 'softening' flavour to balance the bitter element.
See, I had to google it!
I live on it - it's delicious with butter and black pepper!
note to self: always look at all the posts..there is no literal narrative here
Savvy -
You'll have to swap the Californian Republic for the Albanian one.
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