A reward is being offered for any information leading to the arrest of the person known as "Grandad Fred" (below). Last seen in the Brentford area cruising for rough trade action, this man is wanted for questioning after CCTV photographic evidence captured him in an illegal Iain Dowie gurning competition. Such contests have been prohibited since the end of the 2005/06 football season in the interests of public safety and for the protection of young children. This man is highly dangerous, do not attempt to approach him under any circumstances. His soiled clothing is enough to kill a skunk at forty paces. Any information you give will be treated in confidence. If you have seen this man, please contact your nearest therapist.
First bud!
6 days ago
Oh dear - that photo should come with a warning.
Nasty looking thing. Let's hope it is soon apprehended and fitted with NHS teeth.
I used to have a real life Grandad Fred - perhaps he is boogering up the blogwaves from wherever he is - whirling around the ether somewhere? He was a cantankerous old bugger and because I am about a 32th Asian (my great granny was from India) he used to make me sit in the shade as a kid as he said most sternly that 'I had a touch of the tar brush and shouldn't be in the sun'! I didn't know what he meant until someone in the family explained about 10 years later. What a misguided Victorian fool he was.
oh my! i swear , sugar! that aint right!
That's not so bad, I think he's quite a good looking chap meself, remember, he hasn't been well lately...
Yes - better than my real life Grandad Fred who had half a thumb and one leg shorter than the other.
does your friend know you mucked about with his photo like that, sugar?
wait..is that HOWESY?????
Oh you do make me laugh Sav!!
(could be...)
howesy, sugar, you are too adorable for words
(if that's you)
*yes, i deleted my comment..i was absolutely stunned and totally overwhelmed, so i had to moderate my own comment*
It's all gone a bit quiet round here? Hello? Biscuit anyone? Drink anyone?
RoMo - Don't you just love those old Anglo-Indian sayings? My favourite one is when a husband is described as being under the thumb by his missus. They say "He is under petticoat government".
DH - Yes, unfortunately they haven't got the right shape of NHS specs to fit that engorged eye of his.
Savvy - It may well be Howesy, the camera never lies.
Howesy - That will teach you for readily posing for a photo. At least it gave me another giggling fit.
Hello Roster, just about to work out a plan for Saturday.
So what's the reward?
You're not getting him back until I get the lolly or at least until I get someone else to babysit my kids :)
i am still waiting for mail/an answer romo...*rme*
is howesy under arrest?
Lady B - Welcome! I'm surprised you've left Howesy alone with your kids. Still, it's a lot safer than letting Ian Holloway onto them.
There's no reward, you can keep him for good.
Savvy - Under rest? He's getting his breath back after completing his babysitting duties for LadyB.
Savannah - I mailed you back shooogah!
Ister - is it a cunning plan? Looks like cafedelnightmare might not be able to come - we have all been working really long hours on the LE thing and he's got a case of under petticoat government!
Bloody Hell RoMo - this is just not on. Del Nightmare missing out on Motorhead??? Damn...that work load must be seriously huge.
I've emailed you the details, it's not a cunning plan but it's the best solution that I can come up with for the time being.
urgh - still working - you just pinged into my inbox - going there - byee
argghhh...and i replied....
wait, wait, wait..ya'll know things and i'm so out of the loop....i am seriously going to have to look at immigrating...or at least taking a holiday :(
glad to know i'm not the only one who works weird hours :D
*knocking on the glass*
anyone around?
did i miss a memo?
Fine looking fellow.
Welcome Mr Bock.
You should've gone to Speccysavers.
*Fine looking fellow. *
We like Bock!
so..where are we going and when?
Isn't Bock really Klaus Kinski going mental into battle somewhere?
That is the best I have ever seen him, damn improvement!!!
Savvy - We're all departing in August to the hilly Med-scrubland landscapes of Albania, I've told you already Sshhhooooggggaaaahhhh. Why you no listen? Have you packed yet?
RoMo - This is the original look that Kinski wanted when he first rehearsed for Leone in "For a few dollars more". For a couple of quid extra they should've bought him a decent haircut.
Iain - Hello Plug, welcome to the blog. I agree, the pic of Howester is a vast improvement, as I had to tone down some of his more unusual features using Photoshop. We wouldn't want to frighten our readers now, would we?
nonono, i thought we had discounted albania because of thier obvious love for dubya...damn..anyway august is still out for me...i have to be in california
i am so sad *megapoutingherealready*
Looks like we're all off to California then?
Iain? Plug? "Improvement"? Ister, do one of him, go on, I dare ya!
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