Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Bob Passes Another Milestone!

It's Robert Swipe's birthday this week!
We at Croydon Chronicles wish Bob many congratulations on making it through his whole working life. Dreams of country cottage retirement, Saga holidays and free bus pass entitlement are now at hand!
To celebrate Bob's new era, there is a new site commemorating his foray into the world of showbiz. You'll also find a brand new Depcast featuring the formidable talking talents of Howesy and Stray Photon.
(If, however, you do not happen to be a fellow munter, you can access the Depcast here).


rockmother said...

Oooh - another depcast - how exciting. Going to transmit it via the main speakers at work as I am having a shit day today and because I can.

Howesy said...

careful RoMo, there might be legal implications to playing it on MAIN speakers. I feel a consultation with a solicitor would be wise.

Anonymous said...

has anyone seen me bleedin' hilmann imp?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry abaht it!

Dick Headley said...

Excellent news (and about bloody time). I'm fighting my way through the Goth girls as we speak.

West said...

Three words, Istster:





"Good Gud!"

L.U.V. on ya,



West said...

Thanks for that Ist.

How do you get the link to the MP3?

My first time on jellycast, you see...

Hope you enjoy it and thanks also for the birthday song. Who *is* this Robert Wipe chap they're all taling about?

L.U.V. on ya,


rockmother said...

Ooh - Graham Central Station. Have I missed something?

Istvanski said...

Graham Central Station?
The Swipester's delirious. Either that or I have no idea what he's on about.

"Shhooooooo-gah!" - Our Bob's been watching The Apprentice again.

Good pod Bob. Liking the song at the end. Photon's guitar sound gets everywhere, doesn't it?