Friday, January 12, 2007

It's Primus!

Les Claypool, the best bass player ever to walk on this mudball that we inhabit, used to be in this outfit that emerged from the funk / metal cross-over scene from San Francisco in the late eighties / early nineties. He was also the (nerdy-sounding) vocalist and for a three piece they made quite a glorious cacophony. Les sings on some parts of the verses along with (in this example below) Tom Waits. I've put this post up mostly for the benefit of RoMo, who played a Fuzzy Brown song in her most recent podcast. The similarities between both songs should be evident. Enjoy.



rockmother said...

I think they are are my new favourite band. Cheers for the plug by the way.

llewtrah said...

Come on Istvanski - what was the bizarre cat basket incident?

Anonymous said...

'Valium looks like they've seen the vid too.....ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Hello....Istvanski, this is ground control...are you receiving me...soon to be blogging soon?....yes??

Istvanski said...

RoMo - I shall have to play a Primus song on a forthcoming Depcast I reckon...

JDA - Are you receiving me, you are deceiving me oh-oo-oo-oh...(ad infinitum a al Andy Partridge).

Llewtrah - Oh, 'that' incident? Well, Missus Istvanski went into the murky junkyard depths of the garage and a cat basket that must've been stored not so securely above, fell down and crashed on her head! It was one of those plastic moulded baskets as opposed to the softer wicker ones, and this caused some blood to pour forth from the top of her cranium.
I drove her to the local A&E where she had a check-up, was pronounced well enough to return home and was told to rest, which she did. She's much better now, even though she hasn't been able to wash her hair as this would inhibit the healing process of the scab.