Sunday, December 03, 2006

Where Are They Now?

PART ONE: Neil Hayman. I got a call from Stu (long term gig and festival going buddy) today who asked wether Neil Hayman (former sticksman with prog-rockers Arque - "the hottest sound since the genesis of Genesis") was actually the same Neil Hayman that is mentioned here.
Fucked if I know mate, but perhaps Jif may be able to shed some light on this. Stu says that Neil (pictured above, far right) had long frizzy hair, a Carl Palmer fixation and a Japanese "rising sun" emblem on his drumkit. Neil, 93, was apparently 'a bit of a lad' trying to impress potential girlfriends by ordering the hottest dish in an Indian restaurant, only to find that he could not finish the meal. Oh, and he also had a Jamaican girlfriend called Mel. If you know the where-abouts of this person, please contact The Croydon Chronicles.
PART TWO: Vince Hilaire and Jim Cannon. Messrs Hilaire and Cannon were yesterday seen at a book signing at the Selhurst Park club shop, helping to promote copies of "Palace Legends", a tome in which they both appear. Hilaire, looking dapper in his smart suit (minus large afro) said "I've de-camped to Southsea" and then proceeded to mutter something about losing fifty quid on a score draw outcome yesterday between Crystal Palace and Queens Park Rangers (the final result being Palace 3, QPR 0 - a victory which John Salako dedicated to "disenchanted Brentford fans, everywhere"). Jim Cannon can still be seen working in the 'hospitality' side of things at Selhurst Park "like what Chopper Harris does at Chelsea, only on a smaller scale, obviously". Mr Cannon likes to greet fans with a warm grimace and is still built like a brick outhouse. Gawd bless 'im.
In next weeks "What Ever Happened To..?" feature, we ask Malcolm Allison: "What ever happened between Fiona and your fedora?"
This week's top telly recomendation: Rock Goes To College, featuring The Specials! BBC 4, 10pm, Friday 8th December.
RoMo Re-Tag Update! True or false edition!
Being tagged once is bad enough, but twice in the space of one month is like being in the same confessional booth with a gay priest (ie; cool for some, uncomfortable for others). I'm going to change the rules for this one. Below, I shall make five statements, each of which will either be true or false - you decide!
1. As a toddler, I once told a clown to "fuck off", loud enough so that the entire circus audience could hear.
2. I lost my virginity to a woman who was 20 years older than me.
3. I was strip-searched at Dover by HM Customs & Excise, they never did find that hamburger stand...
4. My first visit to a 'real' football game was at Stamford Bridge (controversial eh..?)
5. I turned up for a job interview at the Shepherd's Bush branch of the BBC a la Ron Nasty (eg: "Outa me head").
The first person to guess all five answers correctly will win an Ian Holloway voodoo doll with a years supply of pins (hopefully you won't need that many). So, answers on the back of a postcard to:
Too Much Information Competition,
C/o Mike "put the kettle on, luv" Newell,
Kenilworth Road,


Howesy said...

speaking as a disenchanted brentford fan, i'd like to say that yesterday's result did make me smile! John Solako's attitude and the end of his last game for us however...

JDA said...

Are you serious?

That 'Stu' is dead my end?

I'm not sure about the Neil Hayman connection, he certainly isn't 93 or what ever. As a matter of fact, he buggered off and left 'Red Shift' without a drummer and so our demise was realised....he went on to join another band who promised greener grass, but it turned out to be a bunch of weeds laying by the road side.

The interesting thing is about the picture you knicked from my site is three of the five dodgy individuals have no idea about their images being displayed to the world.

where are they now indeed?

JDA said...

I meant that 'Stu' link is dead.

Istvanski said...

Howesy - The Eagles are always glad to be of cervix.

JDA - The link has been fixed and Neil is said to be in his early to mid-forties (apologies for any confusion). Neil had guant looking facial cheeks, so says Stu (Stu also says "hello, Jif!").

JDA said...

well the age seems about right!
he did have a gaunt looking face

and jif says hi Stu!

JDA said...

I've posted a pic of the 'Neil' to help Stu identify him or not?

Yes you may well of told a clown to fuck off.

the virginity issue? you've never mentioned it, but why would you.

The BBC thing...don't know

The football thingy...possible?

Customs...yeah you dodgy b'stard!!

rockmother said...

I'm sure all of it is correct apart from BBC maybe???

Howesy said...

1. True.
2. You were never a virgin.
3. That would explain a lot.
4. Well, Palace away at Chelski ain't that controversial.
5. How else would you turn up for an interview with the BBC, however, I reckon that's false.

(BTW, I don't need the Ian Holloway doll, I've already got one, but I've run out of pins.)

Istvanski said...

No one so far has guessed all 5 correctly. Olly lives to play another day. Anymore for anymore?

rockmother said...

Ok - all true apart from 3 and 4.

rockmother said...

Isters - there's another podcast in town - the romo for real no.10 - see mon blog - merci

llewtrah said...

false, true, false, true, true ??

Molly Bloom said...

I think they are all true. Definitely. You are a minx.

Stray Photon said...

All the statements are true. I would like to donate my prize to the Ken Wagtaff Memorial fund, or spend it on beer seeing as he's not actually dead..

Istvanski said...

Keep trying...

rockmother said...

Right after this next guess I'm not playing anymore - all true apart from 1.

Istvanski said...

Looks like you're not playing anymore then, RoMo...

Anonymous said...

Molly bloom....If only Isti was a M I N X as you feel he isssssssss! ! !.

Clues..To all of you as far as I know to help you guyz...1) Toddler is probably true. As his Dad for a laugh, taught him swear words.
2)The Virgin bit. . Isti told me she was older and was a sure thing, Local bedsit bike.
3)Football he was probably too young to have known which football team to be loyal to.
4)Knowing his past.... Make your mind up on thattttttt to to be TRUE OR FALSE.
5)He hates paying the Tv Licence to the BBC....Make your mind up on thatttt FALSE OR TRUE.........

rockmother said...

Cheers Chazza - I knew I was right already - so...........all true apart from 4 and 5.

Ugh - bedsit bike? Niiiiice.

Anonymous said...

Rock mother I know. . .Its a good thing he told be a f t er I fell in love with himmmmmmm. I still feel sick at the thought of him loosin' it to the bedsit bike ughhhhhhhhh. THATS MEN FOR YOU and they don't like Liver and baconnnnn! ! takecare Romo x x x

Istvanski said...

The answers are as follows:

1. True - My dad swore like a docker in his native tongue (out of habit). As a small lad, I apparently spoke fluent Hungarian (with the accent too) just like any native Magyar kid. I can't seem to recall why I swore at the clown, but I'm sure dad's face went a pleasant shade of beetroot.

2. False - The 'lady' in question was actually 18 years older than me (and contrary to what Chazza implied, she was just a bored least she didn't have green teeth).

3. True - And furthermore, HM Customs officers found nowt up the bunghole.

4. True - I accompanied a workmate (insert gratuitous Black and Decker joke here) to watch Chelsea take on either Middlesborough or Hull (I can't remember which opposing team it actually was). This was in the late eighties when Kerry Dixon was in the Chelsea squad.

5. True - I vaguely remember the interview, it went something like this;

Interviewer (holding up an electrical plug found on the end of heavy machinery): "What's this?"

Me (staring blankly, but giggling): "I don't know" nauseum.

Needless to say, I couldn't wait to get out of Television Centre quick enough.
I'm sure the feeling was mutual on their behalf.

No one guessed all five correctly, so Olly's effigy is to be left alone for another season.

Anonymous said...

Istvanski.......OH YOU LIARRRRR(and contrary to what Chazza implied, she was just a bored housewife) (BO--OCKSSSSS)....OH YOU ARE EMBARRISED NOWWWWWWWW ??? .....What I said YOU TOLD ME EXACTLY AS HOW I SAID...excuse me...I IMPLIED NOOOOOOO NOOOOOO !!I don't think sooooo so howwwwwwwww.

It was only 7 years ago that you told meeeeeeee.



Y O U D E C I D E.........

Istvanski said...

Chazza - I think you're confusing this woman with someone else. She didn't go around bedsits looking for a 'ride'. Am I embarressed? No. Do I regret what happened? Yes (life happens to have regrets every now and then, something that you know about with some of the exes that you've 'dated').

Calm down dear, it's only a bbbllllooooooggggggg!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Istvanskiiiiiii...Agree to disagree,Me confused no, I know what you said...nowwwww now ole age has deffinately setttttt innnnnn.

yes I knowwww its only a bloggggggggg.

And I LOVE YOU 2............xxxxx

Istvanski said...

IIIII wwwiiillll aaaggggrreeee tttoooo dddiiisssaaagggrreee.
IIIII''''mmmm ssssoooo sssssoooorrrryyyyy tttooo hhhhheeeaaarrrr tttthaaaatttt ooolllldddd aaagggeee hhhhaaaaasss hhhhhaaaaaddddd aaaaannnnnn eeeeeffffeeeeccccctttt ooooonnnn yyyyoooouuuurrrrrr mmmmeeeeemmmmooooorrrryyyyyy.

rockmother said...

aaaaaaaaaare yooooooooooooou booooooooooooooooth maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad?

Anonymous said...

Rockmother........It really does help livin with the istvanski..

MEN AND THEIR BRAVADO We have to let it seem they still have their caveman in them still, poor pets x x x

rockmother said...

age ain't nuthin' but a number but sometimes it's hard to forget especially when you are showing signs of pre-senile dementia

"well Doctor, it all started when I did this thing called a blooooooooog"

ha ha

Istvanski said...

Chazza - I agree with you there. I must be mad hooking up with you.

rockmother said...

ooh - now now children!

Anonymous said...

Istvanski.......there is always the christmas fairy?........think about it........your wish just might come true

Istvanski said...

No chance - fairies are female, therefore making them inherently sexist by nature.

Anonymous said...

Istvanski.......Who says fairies are female, therefore making them inherently sexist by nature.

On TV a while back you referred to some geeza a know something then

Ohh sham you feel that way of the christmas wish fairy..... U WILL MISS OUT OF THAT LITTLE WISH YOU WAS TALKIN ABOUT......may have had melted Cadburys on, sprinkles if you are lucky too....x x x

Istvanski said...

Wrong kind of fairy, Chazza...

Anonymous said...

Istvanski........I know....It is the year 2006......Equality now. Who says there are no male fairys.

You spoilt my surprise nowwwwww. They had your size in Ann Sommers...Halo and of course you already have the wond.........x x x

Istvanski said...

What on earth is a "wond"?

Anonymous said...

Istvanski. . .Wand. ..wand my dear boy. Had a snotty nose when I typed it out before. Never mind the spelling answer the questions
x x x You say you are not the shy type and I would loose in trying embarrassin you.

Anonymous said...

Istvanski....Again I ask who is talkin about Hook in up?

Istvanski said...

You're the first person I know to spell incorrect words and blame them on a snotty nose...