Tuesday, November 14, 2006


You can always count on Simon Jordan for a juicy media soundbite when it comes to slagging off the board at Clowntown. Jordan has branded them as being "gutless" in what he believes is a premature sacking for Iain Dowie (pictured, left) who was also the former boss of Crippled Alice last season.
Dowie has since told the media that he plans to go to a club closer to where his family are located and intends to move up north to Upton Park.
International: As the U.N get ready to audit Iran's Sudafed stockpile - Stray Photon investigates the new and deadly threat emerging from the chemical warfare industry.
City & Finance: Pukka Pies to merge with Glaxo Beecham - Stockbrokers from the Jifdumpalliance & Leicester Building Society reveal why it's snot a good time to invest in Otrivine shares.
Courts & Judicial: Prohibition of booger wiping onto other people's clothing introduced - writer Molly Bloom discusses how this new by-law has been given the green light.
Lifestyle: Celebrities that are hooked on nasal decongestant - gossip columnists Llewtrah & Betty nose what's going on.
Problem Page: Dear RoMo - Sudafed wrecked my podcast!
Fashion: Become a dedicated follower of Dick Headley as he tells us which hankies are hot this winter.
Arts & Entertainment: New album release "Boogie with the Bogeyman" by Elvis Sudafed & the Snot Descalers reviewed - Robert Swipe picks the best of the bunch.
Sport: Soccer pundit Howesy reveals the truth behind Ian Holloway's green fingers.


Geoff said...

We don't want him back.

He broke too many mirrors last time.

rockmother said...

Excellent - very good. Love that Ister.

Istvanski said...

Geoff - Warm welcomings, sir! But confusion within me strikes yet again...do I find myself agreeing with a Palarse fan or an apostle of Chortleton? The next club that Dowie goes to will have mirrors made of highly polished sheet metal.

RoMo - how are you? Please don't work too hard. Save your energy for all those ticket inspectors that you want to 'chin'.

Geoff said...

Sorry, I meant we don't want him back at Upton Park. I know I'm in the Charlton catchment area but I just couldn't bring myself to support them as a boy.

I'm amazed that the Charlton board weren't expecting a relegation struggle, though. They're only a couple of points from safety.

What I want to know is why English managers seem to be less intelligent than Scottish, Welsh or Irish ones?

JDA said...

well, I wasn't gonna mention it?

Istvanski said...

I know what you mean Geoff. Even though Northern Ireland connected Dowie has a degree in rocket aviation, it hasn't seemed to help him much...

Dick Headley said...

I usually get beaten up if I say anything about soccer (did he call it soccer!!!) so I won't.

Molly Bloom said...

I'm not sure about football...because I know nothing about it...sorry. But...I do know about boogers. So, I shall be discussing that for ya Isterxx

Istvanski said...

DH - I do detest that 'soccer' tag, but it's for the benefit of any readers who happens to be from over the pond.

Molly - I shall await your snotty story with enthusiastic patience:)

rockmother said...

Great depcast 4 Ister - I really enjoyed it. Excellent. More more more.

Istvanski said...

RoMo - Glad you enjoyed. Toying with the idea of an Ariels reunion with them doing an unplugged session for a future Depcast. Howesy and Photon seem fine with the idea. Interplod are on the lookout for the Basra Basher. Start petitioning Swipe now for him to get involved - bribe him with breezers, old tights, anything!